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4 – I hated this lesson and was totally confused. The movements were counter intuitive. Am I doing something wrong?

By |2019-11-14T13:28:48-08:00April 18th, 2019|

Nope! This just means that this lesson is challenging your habitual movement patterns and that is a GOOD thing. The more frustrated we get at these lessons, the greater potential there is that we really need to do them, and that there is a lot of potential energy there. I’d say do it again for [...]

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2 – How does it feel to have the gas and the brake on at the same time?

By |2024-09-01T10:10:12-07:00April 2nd, 2019|, |

This depends on each person. When one is living with freeze and/or shutdown (with the E-brake on) that automatically means there is also big sympathetic activation in the system (the gas), because remember -- in a real-time survival response, freeze only comes on after fight/flight has been unsuccessful, so if freeze has become stuck in [...]

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5 – Doing the exercise, I had a lot of deep sighs, and I know that means something is being released. However, I had a headache after the exercise, and was restless. What shall I do in the future?

By |2019-11-14T13:49:38-08:00April 18th, 2019||

A sigh can signal relief, for sure, but actually when we have a lot of deep sighs while engaging with our survival physiology, that is more generally a sign that we are stirring up more than our system can deal with, and we are actually suppressing and managing that energy with the breath. This also [...]

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I studied exercise physiology, applied human nutrition, and biomedical and health sciences

By |2022-09-10T17:03:36-07:00September 10th, 2022||

Between 1993 and 1999, I completed my Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health Science from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada. In 2000, I also obtained certificates in fitness and nutrition from Simon Fraser University. Between 2000-2002, I did a small stint in academia at the University of Wollongong (New South Wales, Australia) [...]

6. As soon as I do this exercise, I begin to sigh and it feels like a release starting to happen. Tension often gets stuck in my thighs. Is it possible that anger is ‘stuck’ there? My legs in the past have always felt heavy and a sense of deep fatigue. Is this freeze?

By |2019-11-13T12:50:45-08:00May 10th, 2019||

Yes, it sounds like your legs are holding some sympathetic energy for sure, and that this has been contained by some freeze. It may be useful to try sitting in a chair and letting your legs ‘run’ a bit while sitting. You can do this just by lifting the heels up and down and imagine [...]

Comments Off on 6. As soon as I do this exercise, I begin to sigh and it feels like a release starting to happen. Tension often gets stuck in my thighs. Is it possible that anger is ‘stuck’ there? My legs in the past have always felt heavy and a sense of deep fatigue. Is this freeze?

3. Why is it a lesson like this (containment), which is meant to help regulate people, leaves some people feeling more connected and calm, while others get more activated?

By |2019-11-13T13:01:37-08:00May 10th, 2019||

It all depends on a person’s history. If someone had trauma that involved being strapped down, or confined in some way, or if one wasn’t allowed to love, care for, or honor themselves, or never got that at all from others, this could be activating for sure.

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1. Is yawning a good thing?

By |2019-11-13T13:00:14-08:00May 10th, 2019||

It depends on why one is yawning. If we are sleepy and ready for bed, that’s fine. If we weren’t sleepy at all and then, after starting one of these exercises, we start yawning like crazy, and/or feel like we are about to pass out, that is an indication that our system is highly activated [...]

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5 – Can we fully regulate ourselves and heal when there is so much stress still in our living environments that are a result of responsibilities we can’t step away from?

By |2019-11-05T11:52:43-08:00March 9th, 2019||

It’s possible, but unfortunately it is much harder, or it may take longer. This is because the foundation of nervous system healing is safety. Our home needs to be a safe haven where our nervous system can settle. This doesn’t mean there can’t be any stress, but if the environment is one of constant stress, [...]

18. Will I get overwhelmed by my past trauma when I do this work?

By |2022-09-11T20:22:56-07:00September 10th, 2022||

This is another tricky question to answer! It’s important to begin with a mutual definition of “overwhelmed.” And to consider “past” and “present” time. Basically, overwhelmed means “too much.” It’s the most basic description of trauma: Something that was, or is, “too much” for our nervous system to process. Historically, this is the case with [...]

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