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Refund Policy

By |2023-09-11T18:33:13-07:00September 10th, 2022|

Refund Policy I expect SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) participants to honour their investment, their health, and show up for themselves 100%. The SBSM curriculum has been a powerful agent of change for thousands of members worldwide. Please know this program aims to provide a [...]

Thank You! Your Interest Has Been Heard.

By |2023-11-07T09:21:01-08:00November 7th, 2023|

Thank you for expressing your interest in SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM)! We hear you loud and clear and will be in contact via email before enrolment opens for the next live semester. But you don’t have to wait until then I wouldn’t suggest it either! If you’re eager [...]

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Thanks for joining SBSM!

By |2024-08-03T15:32:52-07:00November 8th, 2023|

Did you hear that? The Earth and all the cells of the planet, yours included, just did a big HIGH FIVE! Thank you for joining us for SBSM, Fall 2024. Keep an eye on your email for further instructions on how to create your [...]

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SBSM Movement POD Service Agreement

By |2022-02-12T16:25:24-08:00January 31st, 2022|Uncategorized|

SBSM Movement Pod Service Offering Agreement January 25, 2022 On behalf of Scientuitive - Fitness & Wellness Education Inc. (the “Company”), we are excited that you’re registering for the SBSM Movement Pod to be run by Elia Mrak! Your enrollment in the SBSM Movement Pod is conditional upon agreeing to the following terms and [...]

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1. I get sleepy, tingly, tickling in the throat, tension, warmer, stronger

By |2019-11-15T15:18:13-08:00May 11th, 2019||

This section addresses the following questions: I immediately yawn after I do the voo sound, and sometimes I feel like I want to yawn before I'm even done doing the sound, and I can't finish making the sound, because I need to yawn. What does that mean? I immediately felt really tired when I started [...]

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My kids activate me or are traumatized themselves which stirs up my own trauma, which makes healing much more difficult. How can I calm myself down and not be so triggered by them, and how can I help them?

By |2024-04-11T08:54:37-07:00March 19th, 2024||

Unfortunately, it’s a plain fact that healing one’s own trauma becomes much more complex when one has children. For one, anything unresolved in us from our own childhood will usually get activated by our children, and often those layers correspond with our kid’s age – so we may be plunged into our early/developmental trauma when [...]

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3. Love the voos and ahhs!!! Is it possible to do too much if it feels good/right? Should we only do a couple at a time?

By |2019-11-14T14:54:59-08:00May 11th, 2019||

Nope. You can feel free to do it as much as feels good to you. Just be sure to keep an eye out for other emotions that may arise, and make room for them too.

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