
I was telling somebody of this work the other day, and they responded that if you’re able to control your thoughts and your mind, you would never experience any stress.” Oh, wouldn’t that be nice? “It’s all about perception. It turned into an argument about what comes first, thoughts or emotions. I just wanted to hear your opinion on this matter. Could you control your stress by just controlling your attitude to any given situation?

“I frequently drop into these alone, disconnected states and I’m not really aware of any trigger to it. Suddenly out of the blue I land in this feeling of loneliness and disconnection. I’m wondering your thoughts about how best to work with this. I tend to label this as a little girl, about an abandoned, alone state, and I connect with her and try to soothe her, as in parts work. But that is putting a story to it.”

I saw a short video on Irene’s Instagram where the vagus nerve was mentioned, and Irene said something about the vagus nerve being very popular to work with today. But her expression hinted about this not being enough. I’m very interested in knowing about her reaction to vagus nerve techniques.

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