What are some of the most effective ways to deal with invasive suppressed memories of sexual abuse?” To stabilize and get out of the terror. So again, we’re talking about terror and fear. “I started to retrieve such memories and practice such as orienting helps a bit. However, I can’t sleep from fear of being attacked again.” So again, I could have put these two together, I suppose, I’m realizing. “How do I work with terror at the time It flares up, that does not suppress it, but helps digest it instead?” Any specific exercises for the time the experience is at its most intense

What are some of the most effective ways to deal with invasive suppressed memories of sexual abuse?” To stabilize and get out of the terror. So again, we’re talking about terror and fear. “I started to retrieve such memories and practice such as orienting helps a bit. However, I can’t sleep from fear of being attacked again.” So again, I could have put these two together, I suppose, I’m realizing. “How do I work with terror at the time It flares up, that does not suppress it, but helps digest it instead?” Any specific exercises for the time the experience is at its most intense2024-06-11T12:53:30-07:00

I’m having issues with identifying sensations, emotions, and feelings. Both when I’m dysregulated and when I’m doing the neurosensory exercises. I did think I was getting more regulated, but now feel I’ve gotten more dysregulated. Could you please suggest reasons for not being able to identify these? And how can I make progress? It feels like I’m just not getting it at all. I find I’m making guesses to what these sensations or feelings are, and then I later realize that that wasn’t right.

I’m having issues with identifying sensations, emotions, and feelings. Both when I’m dysregulated and when I’m doing the neurosensory exercises. I did think I was getting more regulated, but now feel I’ve gotten more dysregulated. Could you please suggest reasons for not being able to identify these? And how can I make progress? It feels like I’m just not getting it at all. I find I’m making guesses to what these sensations or feelings are, and then I later realize that that wasn’t right.2024-06-11T12:53:40-07:00

“I found the basic joints exercise helpful and even pleasant to do, possibly because it took my attention away from the deep seeded tension in my face and throat, in particular. My breathing feels constrained by the chronic tension in my throat in an ingrained pattern of shallow breathing, holding my breath for no apparent reason. What are some ways to begin working on relaxing the muscles in the throat to breathe and talk more freely?”

“I found the basic joints exercise helpful and even pleasant to do, possibly because it took my attention away from the deep seeded tension in my face and throat, in particular. My breathing feels constrained by the chronic tension in my throat in an ingrained pattern of shallow breathing, holding my breath for no apparent reason. What are some ways to begin working on relaxing the muscles in the throat to breathe and talk more freely?”2024-06-11T12:53:39-07:00
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