
I never saw myself as having anxiety, but I’ve been feeling into it a lot lately with much shaking and teeth chattering. The shaking just keeps going unless I stop. Maybe too much of this is overwhelm and trigger, and it led to being sent to A&E with a very high blood pressure.” I assume A&E is a name for emergency. “Seven hours there crammed amongst lots of spluttering children led to horrendous flu, and now my blood pressure is perfectly normal, but heart rate still high. Not been ill like this in a decade. It’s been agonizing. Feels like endurance and suffering are inevitable and relentless.

Being triggered is always an opportunity to work with old trauma,” is something I said in a previous call. “Instead of just soothing and resourcing, I might need to get rid of some old balls to get to another layer?

How to become more adept at differentiating between a release versus being triggered? Maybe sometimes it’s a bit of both. It seems easier for me to tell when it’s a physical release, whereas emotional releases are sometimes more obscure which leads to another question. Is there an element of patiently waiting it out with this work? What comes to mind for me is Irene’s story about the rashes that she endured. Sometimes the work is just to be in the experience. What are your thoughts?

Someone was asking actually about my relationship with Irene and how to navigate a relationship where there’s a lot of love and connection and interest and also triggers and things getting stirred up. And really that can go one of two ways

My partner has three kids and we have one together. I feel anger and resentment towards his situation and was trying for years to cope with feeling wrong for not wanting his kids. I have early developmental trauma, been working on this for years, but being in the situation with his kids causes survival stress. This plays a part in my condition of chronic fatigue syndrome. My body signals to run away, but I can’t. So I froze. It screams no, but the love to my partner and the idea of what’s right makes me override my impulse. Any suggestions?

“I frequently drop into these alone, disconnected states and I’m not really aware of any trigger to it. Suddenly out of the blue I land in this feeling of loneliness and disconnection. I’m wondering your thoughts about how best to work with this. I tend to label this as a little girl, about an abandoned, alone state, and I connect with her and try to soothe her, as in parts work. But that is putting a story to it.”

When I was a baby, I wore a harness that pushed my femurs into the pelvis to form hip sockets.” So if you’re online, if you can just clarify for me in the chat, it sounds like what you’re saying is you were born with some kind of physical abnormality, that the doctors had the impression they needed to use some kind of corrective harness that helped the femurs go up into the pelvis and form hip sockets. Hip dysplasia. Okay, great. Thanks. Yeah, so I just wanted to be clear on that. “So my mother said she knew I got used to it because I stopped crying after a week. Sounds like I went into freeze.” You betcha. Oh yeah. “I have had CFS for the past 20 years, I’m now 51, an extreme heaviness in my legs, perhaps from being strapped into the harness for months.” Yeah. Yep. That is very likely. “I completed SBSM 11, but the chronic fatigue and heaviness have not budged. Any specific neurosensory lessons I can focus on to try and process this old pain?

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