
Hi, Seth. I have a tremor mostly in my left hand, but also in my right hand. I think I’ve had it for a long time, but lately it’s come to my attention and seems to be worse. I have surgical and childhood trauma. Can SBSM help with this? I worry about it getting worse.

During SBSM I’m noticing bracing patterns specifically in my gut, which I consciously then release. I take dual prokinetics for my bowel to work, and I wondered if this issue could be a result of these bracing patterns. How does bracing relate to dysregulation? Can you have one without the other? A few questions here. Can the issue be the result of bracing patterns? Meaning, digestion problems, can they result from bracing patterns?

I had a spontaneous kneecap luxation after coming out of deep freeze and starting healthy aggression and annihilation work. The luxation happened during a normal, calm movement. What relation could there be between a spontaneous luxation of my kneecap and stored survival energy in my knee? I would expect my body to work more naturally and aligned, because of this work. Do you have any tips for recovery and prevention?

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