
So, many questions to do with different things around shame and disgust. A couple things that were in common with these questions were people talking about experiencing tension in the gut related to shame or humiliation. One who even had gastritis following an incident where they felt really humiliated.

“Is there anything specific I can do for tightness in my neck that keeps occurring with constriction only on the right side? It occurred a couple of minutes into the kidney practice today, followed by a sense of panic rising. I paused, oriented, shifted attention between my neck and safety in my body.”

I’m having issues with identifying sensations, emotions, and feelings. Both when I’m dysregulated and when I’m doing the neurosensory exercises. I did think I was getting more regulated, but now feel I’ve gotten more dysregulated. Could you please suggest reasons for not being able to identify these? And how can I make progress? It feels like I’m just not getting it at all. I find I’m making guesses to what these sensations or feelings are, and then I later realize that that wasn’t right.

Yesterday I felt, again, into the trap of using my little regained energy and pushing through things without noticing my body. At the end of the day, I felt so hyper when I tried to sit down and get in touch with my body. I felt like fleeing and looking for distractions as the sensations were so uncomfortable. Tightness in the chest, throat, heart area. Having a history of physical and emotional abuse, I noticed that is how I usually go through every single day. Any recommendations to work with that?”

Why? Why is this happening? What does it mean? What does it all mean? I’ve had a few questions come in that are sort of asking about a symptom or a sensation they were having, and the question was why is this happening? What does it mean?

Let me see. Anything else here. Okay. And then someone else asked, “Every time I do this resistance exercise, I notice a tightness in the chest, throat, and mouth. Something I’ve been dealing with on a daily basis for over a decade. And the first time I did the exercise, the words that came to me were, I choke. How do I know that this is resistance I’m dealing with?”

Can you please talk about working with resistance? I’ve read and watched Irene’s articles and videos on resistance several times, but it would help to hear more about it. For example, I had a breakthrough where for about a week I finally could feel the ground under me with my body. And not just from the perspective of noticing it with my mind, but now my system is totally resisting doing more of that. How do I feel into the resistance?

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