
While orienting, I’ve noticed that I control my breath and gulp. Today, my body shook and I hyperventilated. I noticed a metallic taste in my mouth, tingling in my hands and feet. I wailed and I wanted to scream, but I didn’t want to frighten my neighbors. This wasn’t a panic attack. I sensed when I needed to stop in order to continue feeling safe. How can I tell if this was just winding myself up or a genuine release of old stress seeking to come out? Have I made things worse by not screaming?

My partner has three kids and we have one together. I feel anger and resentment towards his situation and was trying for years to cope with feeling wrong for not wanting his kids. I have early developmental trauma, been working on this for years, but being in the situation with his kids causes survival stress. This plays a part in my condition of chronic fatigue syndrome. My body signals to run away, but I can’t. So I froze. It screams no, but the love to my partner and the idea of what’s right makes me override my impulse. Any suggestions?

I have pre-verbal trauma and I’m halfway through SBSM, having started in April and taken my time. I find with every lab I burp excessively during the process and not at any other time. Is this a release of storage survival stress that will resolve on its own, or a coping mechanism? And does it mean that I need to slow down even more with the process?

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