
You touched on the hyperactivity aspect of ADHD in last week’s call and how it’s rooted in a tight brain stem.” It’s not so much rooted in the tight brain stem, it’s that the tight brain stem is a fundamental part of it. It’s rooted in hypervigilance and a tight brain stem is a fundamental part of hypervigilance, but there’s other parts as well. Your entire sympathetic nervous system is on way too much with hypervigilance. But that tight brain stem is a good place to intervene physiologically. So I just wanted to clarify that. “Can you address the hyperfocus, hyper fixation aspect of ADHD and why that would be related to survival and trauma as well? I can get very tunnel visioned to the point of dissociation and disembodiment

Your answer to my question last round made me realize deserving wasn’t my issue. So this was talking about do we deserve to heal? Do we feel like we deserve to heal? “Strong survival strategies got me to my seventh decade.

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