
It’s my third round of SBSM, and now I’m in a state where I just want to be left alone. I don’t want to play with the kids, or do anything with them. I feel so annoyed and irritated. It’s like I’m a child myself with this behavior. I’m finding it hard to change how I feel and act. Any ideas what to especially work with, which lesson?

Have you seen the effects of traumatic birth resolved? Specifically I’m sure that my traumatic birth has led to less overall nervous system regulation, and I’ve had mysterious pain on the entire right side of my body for most of my life. I’m wondering if I’m holding whatever bracing I had when I got stuck in my mother’s pelvis and was pulled out with forceps. How have you seen the effects of traumatic birth resolved?

Hey Seth, I’m struggling to feel anything. I hear a lot of people mentioning the reactions they’re having. This is not my experience. Yesterday I went for a Thai massage and never experienced this before. It was very painful. It was very interesting though, as the lady said that my body was stuck, yes, and it needs to thaw out. I’m confused as to whether I should be doing this again or not. Is it forcing the body to move out of freeze?

I am an entrepreneur and unhappy with my work. There is not much that makes me happy or it only feels good for a short period of time. It’s the story of my life. I’ve done several very different studies, different jobs, and many different projects as an entrepreneur. I never feel long term joy connected to anything I do. What can I do to find out what makes me happy and fulfilled and to not get stuck and bored again over and over? And how can I react to feeling stuck when it happens?

In training call five, Irene makes a point to grieve over lack of early childhood self-regulation and trauma and move on, grieve it and move on. I am feeling so stuck in the grieving vortex. I would love tips on how to close that chapter and move on from being angry at my parents

I can’t remember ever not having been stuck in functional freeze. So my question is, I’m interested in a lot of things, but my brain never comes up with questions. I feel a deeper stirring inside of wanting to know more, but with no idea of what or how to ask. It seems my brain is blocked and there’s also fear. Fear of being seen, heard, judged or attacked for saying something. Do you have any suggestions for breaking free from this pattern?

Something my trauma patterns have a hard time doing is making decisions. I either freeze up and stay stagnant, or I have to adrenalize myself forward and bypass the fear. Especially if it’s a bigger decision, like finding a way to make money long term, or where to live for a couple months. I’m curious, when there’s still trauma present, how can we make aligned decisions? Or is it more about not getting hung up on making the right decisions, and just living our life to the best of our ability?

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