
I often experience overwhelming grief, shame, shutdown, or experience a feeling in the center of my chest like a vice grip clamping down in mid-conversation, and or in social situations. When this happens, it’s extremely difficult for me to attend or even get viable sentences out. Then I feel more shame for being unable to engage and enjoy, and it becomes a vicious cycle. If I’m not able to remove myself to take a quick break or reset, how do I manage this in the moment?

Hey Seth, I’m struggling to feel anything. I hear a lot of people mentioning the reactions they’re having. This is not my experience. Yesterday I went for a Thai massage and never experienced this before. It was very painful. It was very interesting though, as the lady said that my body was stuck, yes, and it needs to thaw out. I’m confused as to whether I should be doing this again or not. Is it forcing the body to move out of freeze?

All right. Disgust, aggression, gagging. So, there’s many questions about the, “Ugh,” sort of gagging reflex connected to strong emotion, connected to aggression, connected to disgust.

How can I tell the difference between a regression and healing and having stuff arise? I did SBSM in March and will still find myself in days of dysregulation that I would call manic or anxiety states. Most recently because of a potential new relationship starting. Is it normal to have lows stay as low as they have been with longer times of better regulation in between? When low, I worry that I’ve undone all my healing work, or I’m guilty of not having done enough. Do you have any advice?

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