
Hi, Seth. I had, in 2013 and 2017, a vertigo attack. Since it didn’t stop, I had to call an ambulance, and the other time I went to the hospital, I’ve seen specialists, but they couldn’t find any physical issues. I’m worried it’ll happen again. Now, when I’m in social situations, I feel dizziness, which comes up from the neck and head, and I have anxiety, which makes it worse. I’ve got generalized anxiety and early trauma as well. What can I do?

I often experience overwhelming grief, shame, shutdown, or experience a feeling in the center of my chest like a vice grip clamping down in mid-conversation, and or in social situations. When this happens, it’s extremely difficult for me to attend or even get viable sentences out. Then I feel more shame for being unable to engage and enjoy, and it becomes a vicious cycle. If I’m not able to remove myself to take a quick break or reset, how do I manage this in the moment?

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