
I’m 51 and in a loving relationship for 11 years. I’ve since the start, had my nervous system going into a hypervigilant mode around my partner’s involvement with his ex and his kids, which feels like a big threat to my internal safety. It’s all above board in doing the right thing from his part. I think I’ve got complex PTSD from being exposed to this regularly. I was born breached with hip joints not developed properly and was put into a contraption for a few early weeks and I never cried and I slept a lot and I wasn’t interested in feeding. Freeze? Any advice?

Old fears have been arising, especially regarding medical issues. Feels paralyzing. A thought that just arose ‘I’ve emasculated myself.’ As an older woman, I now have what I wanted, a very small, confined sense of safety regarding living conditions and finance. I’m just managing, yet I feel trapped. I feel hopeless, alone. Glimpses of not wanting to exist, but not suicide, but just pointlessness and apathy. Life forces felt near zero a while. A deep core though keeps saying, “Keep going.” You said you had times of feeling you were dying, et cetera. Can you say more about that?

What could a possible connection be between vaginismus…” That’s hard to pronounce. Constriction of the vagina when there tries to be penetration, essentially is what that is. “And then around four years of interstitial cystitis. What’s the connection between these things? The interstitial cystitis has resolved, but vaginismus has not. No trauma that comes to mind as a possible connection, although I’m realizing these issues are not due to bad luck or chance.” No. “Is there any advice you can give me, a little insight as to what could be going on?

“Is there anything specific I can do for tightness in my neck that keeps occurring with constriction only on the right side? It occurred a couple of minutes into the kidney practice today, followed by a sense of panic rising. I paused, oriented, shifted attention between my neck and safety in my body.”

So lately I’ve been having fear of falling asleep like I could die when asleep. Also, I’m having a jerking awake sensation while nodding off, sometimes up to 30 or more times a night. Would this be sympathetic activation? Any tips to calm myself down to get some sleep?

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