
I never saw myself as having anxiety, but I’ve been feeling into it a lot lately with much shaking and teeth chattering. The shaking just keeps going unless I stop. Maybe too much of this is overwhelm and trigger, and it led to being sent to A&E with a very high blood pressure.” I assume A&E is a name for emergency. “Seven hours there crammed amongst lots of spluttering children led to horrendous flu, and now my blood pressure is perfectly normal, but heart rate still high. Not been ill like this in a decade. It’s been agonizing. Feels like endurance and suffering are inevitable and relentless.

Why? Why is this happening? What does it mean? What does it all mean? I’ve had a few questions come in that are sort of asking about a symptom or a sensation they were having, and the question was why is this happening? What does it mean?

In today’s call, Irene gives the example of stubbing her toe and how to work through that in body orienting. Can you please give an example of something happening more emotional than physical and how to work through that in the body? For example, getting into an argument with a spouse or other family member. I feel very triggered by things my spouse says or does, and I know it’s because of my dysregulated nervous system, so I’d like some tips on how to recognize that and release the ball from the pool.

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