
In a previous Q&A on being triggered by watching the news you said to differentiate between new grief from the news and our own stored grief being released. I can’t tell when grief is from current, minor, sad things in my life or old unprocessed grief. I have tears, my chest and belly squeezes till I run out of air. I gasp and this repeats until it stops and then I’m numb. How can I tell if I’m just blowing up at minor things and never touching the old stuff?

During SBSM I’m noticing bracing patterns specifically in my gut, which I consciously then release. I take dual prokinetics for my bowel to work, and I wondered if this issue could be a result of these bracing patterns. How does bracing relate to dysregulation? Can you have one without the other? A few questions here. Can the issue be the result of bracing patterns? Meaning, digestion problems, can they result from bracing patterns?

I used to think I was lazy or not smart when trying to read anything information, science, technical, et cetera. Even in subjects I’m passionate about, I cannot concentrate. I reread lines. I feel like I have to highlight everything in order to remember it, to understand it. Bookshelves filled with books that I only read a few pages, many of which have been recommended in SBSM, and I am truly interested in. I realize now that reading these things is very activating to me.” Aha. “Suggestions on how to heal this.

When releasing trapped survival stress results in physical manifestations of pain, rashes, all the things you said we may experience. If we medicate in any way to make these symptoms more bearable because we still need to function at our work or home, et cetera, will this inhibit the release of the energy, close the door, so to speak?

How to become more adept at differentiating between a release versus being triggered? Maybe sometimes it’s a bit of both. It seems easier for me to tell when it’s a physical release, whereas emotional releases are sometimes more obscure which leads to another question. Is there an element of patiently waiting it out with this work? What comes to mind for me is Irene’s story about the rashes that she endured. Sometimes the work is just to be in the experience. What are your thoughts?

Another thing that can happen is someone asked about, they noticed that they were able to stay present. There was this big emotion. They had this experience and this big emotion came through and they were able to stay present and notice the feelings of it. And then later on the heels of that, there was big activation, feeling like, I think they said fuzzy.

Okay. Now another thing on this was someone had a big release, a big activation, a big release. And then for a week, I think they said, after, they were feeling shivers, feverish, chills, like flu-like symptoms. And their practitioner said, “Yeah, that is freeze lifting from your system.” And they asked, “Is that actually true?”

When I was a baby, I wore a harness that pushed my femurs into the pelvis to form hip sockets.” So if you’re online, if you can just clarify for me in the chat, it sounds like what you’re saying is you were born with some kind of physical abnormality, that the doctors had the impression they needed to use some kind of corrective harness that helped the femurs go up into the pelvis and form hip sockets. Hip dysplasia. Okay, great. Thanks. Yeah, so I just wanted to be clear on that. “So my mother said she knew I got used to it because I stopped crying after a week. Sounds like I went into freeze.” You betcha. Oh yeah. “I have had CFS for the past 20 years, I’m now 51, an extreme heaviness in my legs, perhaps from being strapped into the harness for months.” Yeah. Yep. That is very likely. “I completed SBSM 11, but the chronic fatigue and heaviness have not budged. Any specific neurosensory lessons I can focus on to try and process this old pain?

“I have some pretty significant preverbal shock trauma. When I have built enough capacity to release this, what might it look like? Can it come on without warning? Might it bring me to my knees? Since it’s preverbal, knowing what I know from my experience with psychedelics, will it be messy, and childish, and confusing? I guess I’m just curious if it might come out of nowhere and resemble having to, like, go to the bathroom really badly and not being able to hold it

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