
“How to develop a solid regular daily practice? First round, I reached lab six, practicing all the exercises pretty well, and later carried on to the end randomly, but not fully. Second round, much harder. I had less adherence to practice, less progression, probably due to the fairly sudden death of my sister in February.” Sure. Oh yeah. Any big shock that comes in could totally do that. “Third round seems even harder. Have not got very far with exercises or labs generally, though I listen to all the live sessions. I know this is the way forward, but the lack of attention in regular practice seems to be increasing.”

“I found the basic joints exercise helpful and even pleasant to do, possibly because it took my attention away from the deep seeded tension in my face and throat, in particular. My breathing feels constrained by the chronic tension in my throat in an ingrained pattern of shallow breathing, holding my breath for no apparent reason. What are some ways to begin working on relaxing the muscles in the throat to breathe and talk more freely?”

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