
Someone asked about my story, if I would talk a bit about how I became an SEP, and how that worked, and what recommendations were for training these days, because it is a little bit different

How can we get fear out of our body? Anger seems easy. Hit the pillow, squeeze the towel. But fear, one thing that comes to mind is to run short sprints. But what if my fear is of health issues? I’ve been dealing with some unexplained bone and joint pain and the idea to run also makes me afraid of injuring myself and ending up with new or worse pain. Just sitting with fear and taming it sometimes works but feels like it is only keeping it under the surface. I would like to move it out of my body

My partner has developmental trauma and some real shock trauma, including being shot in the head 16 years ago. He lost an eye and brain tissue, including frontal lobe, but is a walking miracle and still speaks two languages fluently. Have you all had experience with this work helping someone like him better regulate his emotions and PTSD responses?

“Sometimes during containment, especially if it’s a trauma sensation I’m working with, I get very vivid visuals. Can you explain why? They’re not always necessarily a memory. Often, they have a more spiritual or fantasy component to them. I still feel embodied with them.”

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