
Hi Seth. I’m having difficulty with my vision, particularly in the left eye, which seems to go out of focus. Occasionally it spreads to both eyes. I’m struggling to know what to do when it happens, and I tend to panic, which I know isn’t helpful. Wondered if you have any advice.

I’ve got two sleep questions. Could sleep apnea be caused by trauma and due to a dysregulated nervous system? Apparently I’m snoring and I stop breathing, but I still need to confirm this. And then background, I’ve got general anxiety, panic attacks and sleeping issues since many years. Waking up around 4:00 AM and not being able to fall asleep again. I remember your advice to get up and to get rid of the energy, but I’m still just sleepy and my mind is awake. Any advice?

“Is there anything specific I can do for tightness in my neck that keeps occurring with constriction only on the right side? It occurred a couple of minutes into the kidney practice today, followed by a sense of panic rising. I paused, oriented, shifted attention between my neck and safety in my body.”

And there can be a physical thing, like physical injuries. Someone asked about, they started doing orienting with the neck for a few days. And then started to get severe pain in the neck and arms, and thoughts of having a slipped disc again.

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