
All right. So lots of questions about what to do with activation. Again there’s too many for me to answer individually. So I want to talk in general about what to do with activation when it shows up.

“My question is about following your impulse. I totally understand the idea behind it, but I also know that in meditation, like Vipassana for instance, it is being said to sit and let the sensations come up and dissolve, instead of acting on them. For instance, an urge to move your leg, that will finally go away. I know you practice Vipassana as well, so how do you relate to this? What to do in a Vipassana retreat, follow my impulse or not?

Can you please talk about working with resistance? I’ve read and watched Irene’s articles and videos on resistance several times, but it would help to hear more about it. For example, I had a breakthrough where for about a week I finally could feel the ground under me with my body. And not just from the perspective of noticing it with my mind, but now my system is totally resisting doing more of that. How do I feel into the resistance?

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