
Hi, Seth. I had, in 2013 and 2017, a vertigo attack. Since it didn’t stop, I had to call an ambulance, and the other time I went to the hospital, I’ve seen specialists, but they couldn’t find any physical issues. I’m worried it’ll happen again. Now, when I’m in social situations, I feel dizziness, which comes up from the neck and head, and I have anxiety, which makes it worse. I’ve got generalized anxiety and early trauma as well. What can I do?

Due to my big T Trauma, I had arthritis in my neck, shoulders, and my shoulder muscles were torn. Doctor of physical therapy says it’s hard to treat arthritis. What neuro-exercise can I do to heal them? I’m now doing tense, relax and containment.

I have an extensive amount of dental trauma starting at age two. I now have a good dentist and a hygienist, but my mouth still feels like a war zone. And anyone doing work in my mouth feels incredibly violating. I had a cleaning last week and I can still feel the excess tension I’m carrying in my head, neck, and face from that experience. Do you have any suggestions on how I can release the survival stress after dental work or reduce the activation during procedures?

“Is there anything specific I can do for tightness in my neck that keeps occurring with constriction only on the right side? It occurred a couple of minutes into the kidney practice today, followed by a sense of panic rising. I paused, oriented, shifted attention between my neck and safety in my body.”

And there can be a physical thing, like physical injuries. Someone asked about, they started doing orienting with the neck for a few days. And then started to get severe pain in the neck and arms, and thoughts of having a slipped disc again.

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