
I never saw myself as having anxiety, but I’ve been feeling into it a lot lately with much shaking and teeth chattering. The shaking just keeps going unless I stop. Maybe too much of this is overwhelm and trigger, and it led to being sent to A&E with a very high blood pressure.” I assume A&E is a name for emergency. “Seven hours there crammed amongst lots of spluttering children led to horrendous flu, and now my blood pressure is perfectly normal, but heart rate still high. Not been ill like this in a decade. It’s been agonizing. Feels like endurance and suffering are inevitable and relentless.

How do I know what to do?” Lots of questions about, ” What exercise do I apply when? How do I know what to do when I’m feeling a lot of high emotion? What to do if there’s, say, movements, I have movements coming, but it’s always the same, nothing changes?

What about a healthy expression, or healthy aggression, or working with the activation, if you’re in a situation with chronic fatigue, if you have CFS? You can’t do a lot of mobilization.

I can sit with bodily sensations without fearing the fear, but nothing comes up to make it complete. No movement, no sound, et cetera. It feels much harder when it’s not a specific shock trauma, but instead long term stress and pushing oneself, never feeling enough, feeling unsafe around people since childhood. What might it look like then?”

How can I work with my subconscious mind, wanting to get a higher degree to prove I am capable and worthy to be loved? How to work on the lower diaphragm? Pelvic area injury with painful and tight sensations. Breathe into it, do movements, what kind of movement?

I’m curious about what’s going on from an SBSM perspective. I’m 26 and I’ve had this thing since I was 19, at least, where my joints make snapping and popping sounds. I’m quite flexible. My pelvis and hips seem to come unaligned frequently. I feel I need to make this popping happen in my joints quite often, to realign. Movement feels great but doesn’t seem to lessen this. I want to cultivate balance and wellness. Curious about what might be happening.

Being triggered is always an opportunity to work with old trauma,” is something I said in a previous call. “Instead of just soothing and resourcing, I might need to get rid of some old balls to get to another layer?

“I found the basic joints exercise helpful and even pleasant to do, possibly because it took my attention away from the deep seeded tension in my face and throat, in particular. My breathing feels constrained by the chronic tension in my throat in an ingrained pattern of shallow breathing, holding my breath for no apparent reason. What are some ways to begin working on relaxing the muscles in the throat to breathe and talk more freely?”

All right. So lots of questions about what to do with activation. Again there’s too many for me to answer individually. So I want to talk in general about what to do with activation when it shows up.

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