
I am an entrepreneur and unhappy with my work. There is not much that makes me happy or it only feels good for a short period of time. It’s the story of my life. I’ve done several very different studies, different jobs, and many different projects as an entrepreneur. I never feel long term joy connected to anything I do. What can I do to find out what makes me happy and fulfilled and to not get stuck and bored again over and over? And how can I react to feeling stuck when it happens?

Our survival based implicit/procedural memories, by definition incomplete nervous system responses. I’m a bit confused by how we use the terms implicit memory and procedural memory. Put another way, if we’re talking about an implicit survival based, not reflexive memory or a procedural memory, are we automatically talking about an incomplete nervous system response?

“So how do you recommend dealing with insomnia, in the moment? I typically go through a week-long spurt where I can’t fall asleep until morning hours. Then I’ll get a couple weeks of regular sleep until the insomnia repeats itself. It’s very mental for me, and I’m not sure how to interrupt this loop. I have a 1.5 year old to take care of, so I need some rest. What can I do when it’s 2:00 AM and I’m panicking about sleep?”

All right. So some questions on resistance. So there’s a question, a few questions, on how to work with the energy of resistance, like Irene talks about in the video.

All right. So lots of questions about what to do with activation. Again there’s too many for me to answer individually. So I want to talk in general about what to do with activation when it shows up.

What are some of the most effective ways to deal with invasive suppressed memories of sexual abuse?” To stabilize and get out of the terror. So again, we’re talking about terror and fear. “I started to retrieve such memories and practice such as orienting helps a bit. However, I can’t sleep from fear of being attacked again.” So again, I could have put these two together, I suppose, I’m realizing. “How do I work with terror at the time It flares up, that does not suppress it, but helps digest it instead?” Any specific exercises for the time the experience is at its most intense

Can you please talk about working with resistance? I’ve read and watched Irene’s articles and videos on resistance several times, but it would help to hear more about it. For example, I had a breakthrough where for about a week I finally could feel the ground under me with my body. And not just from the perspective of noticing it with my mind, but now my system is totally resisting doing more of that. How do I feel into the resistance?

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