
How can we get fear out of our body? Anger seems easy. Hit the pillow, squeeze the towel. But fear, one thing that comes to mind is to run short sprints. But what if my fear is of health issues? I’ve been dealing with some unexplained bone and joint pain and the idea to run also makes me afraid of injuring myself and ending up with new or worse pain. Just sitting with fear and taming it sometimes works but feels like it is only keeping it under the surface. I would like to move it out of my body

What could a possible connection be between vaginismus…” That’s hard to pronounce. Constriction of the vagina when there tries to be penetration, essentially is what that is. “And then around four years of interstitial cystitis. What’s the connection between these things? The interstitial cystitis has resolved, but vaginismus has not. No trauma that comes to mind as a possible connection, although I’m realizing these issues are not due to bad luck or chance.” No. “Is there any advice you can give me, a little insight as to what could be going on?

Another thing that can happen is someone asked about, they noticed that they were able to stay present. There was this big emotion. They had this experience and this big emotion came through and they were able to stay present and notice the feelings of it. And then later on the heels of that, there was big activation, feeling like, I think they said fuzzy.

All right. So some questions on resistance. So there’s a question, a few questions, on how to work with the energy of resistance, like Irene talks about in the video.

Let me see. Anything else here. Okay. And then someone else asked, “Every time I do this resistance exercise, I notice a tightness in the chest, throat, and mouth. Something I’ve been dealing with on a daily basis for over a decade. And the first time I did the exercise, the words that came to me were, I choke. How do I know that this is resistance I’m dealing with?”

And there can be a physical thing, like physical injuries. Someone asked about, they started doing orienting with the neck for a few days. And then started to get severe pain in the neck and arms, and thoughts of having a slipped disc again.

I’ve been experiencing intense anger. I am able to orient to the environment and my body. It doesn’t seem to lessen the intensity. Is there something I could try to move through this?

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