
I never saw myself as having anxiety, but I’ve been feeling into it a lot lately with much shaking and teeth chattering. The shaking just keeps going unless I stop. Maybe too much of this is overwhelm and trigger, and it led to being sent to A&E with a very high blood pressure.” I assume A&E is a name for emergency. “Seven hours there crammed amongst lots of spluttering children led to horrendous flu, and now my blood pressure is perfectly normal, but heart rate still high. Not been ill like this in a decade. It’s been agonizing. Feels like endurance and suffering are inevitable and relentless.

Hi, Seth. I have a tremor mostly in my left hand, but also in my right hand. I think I’ve had it for a long time, but lately it’s come to my attention and seems to be worse. I have surgical and childhood trauma. Can SBSM help with this? I worry about it getting worse.

How do I know what to do?” Lots of questions about, ” What exercise do I apply when? How do I know what to do when I’m feeling a lot of high emotion? What to do if there’s, say, movements, I have movements coming, but it’s always the same, nothing changes?

I’ve got two sleep questions. Could sleep apnea be caused by trauma and due to a dysregulated nervous system? Apparently I’m snoring and I stop breathing, but I still need to confirm this. And then background, I’ve got general anxiety, panic attacks and sleeping issues since many years. Waking up around 4:00 AM and not being able to fall asleep again. I remember your advice to get up and to get rid of the energy, but I’m still just sleepy and my mind is awake. Any advice?

Have you seen the effects of traumatic birth resolved? Specifically I’m sure that my traumatic birth has led to less overall nervous system regulation, and I’ve had mysterious pain on the entire right side of my body for most of my life. I’m wondering if I’m holding whatever bracing I had when I got stuck in my mother’s pelvis and was pulled out with forceps. How have you seen the effects of traumatic birth resolved?

How can I work with my subconscious mind, wanting to get a higher degree to prove I am capable and worthy to be loved? How to work on the lower diaphragm? Pelvic area injury with painful and tight sensations. Breathe into it, do movements, what kind of movement?

I live in a place where I have no access to my resources. I know water access and access to nature is the way I get to calm my system down, but it’s not possible. Realizing this somehow makes it worse because it makes me feel like I could feel better, but I don’t. Any ideas on how to deal with not being able to access your resources?

How can we get fear out of our body? Anger seems easy. Hit the pillow, squeeze the towel. But fear, one thing that comes to mind is to run short sprints. But what if my fear is of health issues? I’ve been dealing with some unexplained bone and joint pain and the idea to run also makes me afraid of injuring myself and ending up with new or worse pain. Just sitting with fear and taming it sometimes works but feels like it is only keeping it under the surface. I would like to move it out of my body

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