
How do I know what to do?” Lots of questions about, ” What exercise do I apply when? How do I know what to do when I’m feeling a lot of high emotion? What to do if there’s, say, movements, I have movements coming, but it’s always the same, nothing changes?

I was described by a family friend as very loving at age two, but then I bullied a child at age five and I was suicidal at age seven, downhill from there and associated for 40 plus years. Overall more overt sympathetic activation. When I think of people, I see images of me as a carcass being picked at, I feel enraged when people need anything from me as it feels they’re going to suck the life out of me. I want cry and leave me the F alone. Engaging in healthy aggression and feeling good releases, yet it’s not reducing the terror. Suggestions.

I’ve got two sleep questions. Could sleep apnea be caused by trauma and due to a dysregulated nervous system? Apparently I’m snoring and I stop breathing, but I still need to confirm this. And then background, I’ve got general anxiety, panic attacks and sleeping issues since many years. Waking up around 4:00 AM and not being able to fall asleep again. I remember your advice to get up and to get rid of the energy, but I’m still just sleepy and my mind is awake. Any advice?

Okay. Now another thing on this was someone had a big release, a big activation, a big release. And then for a week, I think they said, after, they were feeling shivers, feverish, chills, like flu-like symptoms. And their practitioner said, “Yeah, that is freeze lifting from your system.” And they asked, “Is that actually true?”

So lately I’ve been having fear of falling asleep like I could die when asleep. Also, I’m having a jerking awake sensation while nodding off, sometimes up to 30 or more times a night. Would this be sympathetic activation? Any tips to calm myself down to get some sleep?

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