
My daughter was born at the start of COVID when stress was high and I was having career uncertainty. I remember I freaked out when she was born, and recently through SBSM, I realized how this moment was kind of a stored survival stress that made me see parenting as scary and overwhelming. Any tips on how to work on fully releasing that so I can shift my relationship with parenting? I recently started tapping into the joy of parenting after those insights, and I want to experience this fully.

In a previous Q&A on being triggered by watching the news you said to differentiate between new grief from the news and our own stored grief being released. I can’t tell when grief is from current, minor, sad things in my life or old unprocessed grief. I have tears, my chest and belly squeezes till I run out of air. I gasp and this repeats until it stops and then I’m numb. How can I tell if I’m just blowing up at minor things and never touching the old stuff?

All right. So lots of questions about what to do with activation. Again there’s too many for me to answer individually. So I want to talk in general about what to do with activation when it shows up.

Your answer to my question last round made me realize deserving wasn’t my issue. So this was talking about do we deserve to heal? Do we feel like we deserve to heal? “Strong survival strategies got me to my seventh decade.

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