
Hi, Seth. I have a tremor mostly in my left hand, but also in my right hand. I think I’ve had it for a long time, but lately it’s come to my attention and seems to be worse. I have surgical and childhood trauma. Can SBSM help with this? I worry about it getting worse.

I’m up to lab eight. I’ve suddenly become constantly cold, struggling to stay warm, and which feels familiar from my childhood. Is this freeze coming out of my system? Should I follow an impulse to get warm?

What to do when there’s a big fight? Like say, we do have a partner that we’re close with, it’s going well, but there’s a big blow up, there’s a big fight. In the example they gave, maybe even something got smashed. No one got hurt, but there was some explosiveness or something. What to do in situations like that? How to come back together?

In today’s call, Irene gives the example of stubbing her toe and how to work through that in body orienting. Can you please give an example of something happening more emotional than physical and how to work through that in the body? For example, getting into an argument with a spouse or other family member. I feel very triggered by things my spouse says or does, and I know it’s because of my dysregulated nervous system, so I’d like some tips on how to recognize that and release the ball from the pool.

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