
Due to my big T Trauma, I had arthritis in my neck, shoulders, and my shoulder muscles were torn. Doctor of physical therapy says it’s hard to treat arthritis. What neuro-exercise can I do to heal them? I’m now doing tense, relax and containment.

Hi, Seth. I have a tremor mostly in my left hand, but also in my right hand. I think I’ve had it for a long time, but lately it’s come to my attention and seems to be worse. I have surgical and childhood trauma. Can SBSM help with this? I worry about it getting worse.

During SBSM I’m noticing bracing patterns specifically in my gut, which I consciously then release. I take dual prokinetics for my bowel to work, and I wondered if this issue could be a result of these bracing patterns. How does bracing relate to dysregulation? Can you have one without the other? A few questions here. Can the issue be the result of bracing patterns? Meaning, digestion problems, can they result from bracing patterns?

is there proof? Is there proof that trauma is stored in the body? Is there proof that this work of working somatically with the body and the nervous system can resolve trauma?And the context, I’ll read the context. There’s a couple of different contexts. One, they were asking about their mentor who was a neuroplastic pain specialist, said last night on a live call that, “Although he loves somatic work and thinks it’s really helpful, he doesn’t think that stress or emotions or traumas can get stuck in the body, fascia, bones, muscles, organs, et cetera, because cells in the body do not have memory receptors.” Something like that. “For him, everything comes from the brain, and say, if you massage a painful area or do some somatic work, it will calm the danger alarm mechanism of the brain, which will create the release.”And then another one who said that they really are excited about this work because they’re seeing the results, and they want to share it with their friends, but they’re hesitant to, because they’re not sure if they can provide proof. People are going to ask for evidence and what’s the proof. “I’m concerned about being seen as woo woo.” Yes. “Could you please provide some references for studies that show that trauma is stored in the body and that these tools to release the stored energy improves the autonomic nervous system.”

When I was a baby, I wore a harness that pushed my femurs into the pelvis to form hip sockets.” So if you’re online, if you can just clarify for me in the chat, it sounds like what you’re saying is you were born with some kind of physical abnormality, that the doctors had the impression they needed to use some kind of corrective harness that helped the femurs go up into the pelvis and form hip sockets. Hip dysplasia. Okay, great. Thanks. Yeah, so I just wanted to be clear on that. “So my mother said she knew I got used to it because I stopped crying after a week. Sounds like I went into freeze.” You betcha. Oh yeah. “I have had CFS for the past 20 years, I’m now 51, an extreme heaviness in my legs, perhaps from being strapped into the harness for months.” Yeah. Yep. That is very likely. “I completed SBSM 11, but the chronic fatigue and heaviness have not budged. Any specific neurosensory lessons I can focus on to try and process this old pain?

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