
I’ve always struggled promptly replying to messages from friends and family. I find it a struggle to authentically express myself so everything feels really forced and empty, like there’s doubt laced into every word I type. This has become more visceral since beginning this course, and I feel anxiety while trying to reply or knowing I have messages to respond to. What is happening here, is this something that will change with more regulation?

Hey Seth, I’m struggling to feel anything. I hear a lot of people mentioning the reactions they’re having. This is not my experience. Yesterday I went for a Thai massage and never experienced this before. It was very painful. It was very interesting though, as the lady said that my body was stuck, yes, and it needs to thaw out. I’m confused as to whether I should be doing this again or not. Is it forcing the body to move out of freeze?

Being triggered is always an opportunity to work with old trauma,” is something I said in a previous call. “Instead of just soothing and resourcing, I might need to get rid of some old balls to get to another layer?

All right. Disgust, aggression, gagging. So, there’s many questions about the, “Ugh,” sort of gagging reflex connected to strong emotion, connected to aggression, connected to disgust.

All right. So some questions on resistance. So there’s a question, a few questions, on how to work with the energy of resistance, like Irene talks about in the video.

Can you please talk about working with resistance? I’ve read and watched Irene’s articles and videos on resistance several times, but it would help to hear more about it. For example, I had a breakthrough where for about a week I finally could feel the ground under me with my body. And not just from the perspective of noticing it with my mind, but now my system is totally resisting doing more of that. How do I feel into the resistance?

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