
Old fears have been arising, especially regarding medical issues. Feels paralyzing. A thought that just arose ‘I’ve emasculated myself.’ As an older woman, I now have what I wanted, a very small, confined sense of safety regarding living conditions and finance. I’m just managing, yet I feel trapped. I feel hopeless, alone. Glimpses of not wanting to exist, but not suicide, but just pointlessness and apathy. Life forces felt near zero a while. A deep core though keeps saying, “Keep going.” You said you had times of feeling you were dying, et cetera. Can you say more about that?

“Does connecting with the body in an environment really get to feel better? Biology of stress number five, the slide on the things to build capacity. Doing these things exhausts me. It feels like so much work. It feels boring. It actually inhibits my ability to do a lot of stuff that my body does do automatically on autopilot. I have to go back into my head and thoughts to rest, to get a break in my head. It feels like relief and ease connecting with the environment is exhausting.”

Now someone asked if orienting must be done with audio….And also, yeah, if you’re having trouble getting into the program, if you’re feeling one of the other questions, “I just am, I don’t even know if it’s resistance. I’m just exhausted. I don’t have the energy.”

So lately I’ve been having fear of falling asleep like I could die when asleep. Also, I’m having a jerking awake sensation while nodding off, sometimes up to 30 or more times a night. Would this be sympathetic activation? Any tips to calm myself down to get some sleep?

I’ve been experiencing intense anger. I am able to orient to the environment and my body. It doesn’t seem to lessen the intensity. Is there something I could try to move through this?

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