
I am a perfectionist, a high achiever, and I’m currently going through a burnout. I’m disciplined and I’m used to making myself do things that I don’t want to. When Irene says we shouldn’t really give into resistance, what I hear her say is that we should do something even if we don’t want to. Is this correct? And if so, how does this fit in with following your impulse framework? I feel like not listening to my internal voices is what got me to this unhealthy state in the first place. Yeah, I just need some clarity here. When I hear her say we should do something even if we don’t want to, is that what she means about resistance

How can I tell the difference between a regression and healing and having stuff arise? I did SBSM in March and will still find myself in days of dysregulation that I would call manic or anxiety states. Most recently because of a potential new relationship starting. Is it normal to have lows stay as low as they have been with longer times of better regulation in between? When low, I worry that I’ve undone all my healing work, or I’m guilty of not having done enough. Do you have any advice?

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