
My daughter was born at the start of COVID when stress was high and I was having career uncertainty. I remember I freaked out when she was born, and recently through SBSM, I realized how this moment was kind of a stored survival stress that made me see parenting as scary and overwhelming. Any tips on how to work on fully releasing that so I can shift my relationship with parenting? I recently started tapping into the joy of parenting after those insights, and I want to experience this fully.

I’ve always struggled promptly replying to messages from friends and family. I find it a struggle to authentically express myself so everything feels really forced and empty, like there’s doubt laced into every word I type. This has become more visceral since beginning this course, and I feel anxiety while trying to reply or knowing I have messages to respond to. What is happening here, is this something that will change with more regulation?

This is my third SBSM and this is the first year in my life I’ve experienced burnout. About five times now where I’ve had to rest for one to two weeks to recover. It usually follows work stress or people that drain me, or doing too much. I had high anxiety for years and then completely shut down before I started somatic work. I had never experienced burnout in my entire life before this. It seems I actually have to do less now with more capacity. Why? If I’m becoming more regulated, am I having less tolerance for stress?

“Sometimes during containment, especially if it’s a trauma sensation I’m working with, I get very vivid visuals. Can you explain why? They’re not always necessarily a memory. Often, they have a more spiritual or fantasy component to them. I still feel embodied with them.”

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