
Hi, Seth. I have a tremor mostly in my left hand, but also in my right hand. I think I’ve had it for a long time, but lately it’s come to my attention and seems to be worse. I have surgical and childhood trauma. Can SBSM help with this? I worry about it getting worse.

Okay. Now another thing on this was someone had a big release, a big activation, a big release. And then for a week, I think they said, after, they were feeling shivers, feverish, chills, like flu-like symptoms. And their practitioner said, “Yeah, that is freeze lifting from your system.” And they asked, “Is that actually true?”

I suffer chemical trauma resulting in chronic rhinitis having grown up in a war zone. I heard Irene talking about it in a Q&A, so I already ordered some Zeolite Body Detox Extra. I try to get sunlight as much as I can, and I’m looking into body dowsing. Is there any other guidance for this mysterious type of trauma?

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