
I had a spontaneous kneecap luxation after coming out of deep freeze and starting healthy aggression and annihilation work. The luxation happened during a normal, calm movement. What relation could there be between a spontaneous luxation of my kneecap and stored survival energy in my knee? I would expect my body to work more naturally and aligned, because of this work. Do you have any tips for recovery and prevention?

I am on my second round of SBSM. I’m experiencing occasional dizziness, among other subtle symptoms, first round. Oh, I experienced occasional dizziness among other subtle symptoms during the first round. In this round, I’m experiencing more awareness of where and when I have tension. In particular, I’m experiencing nearly constant tension in my left buttocks and glutes, and tension in my eyelids or behind the eyes. I’ve been practicing tensing and releasing at those areas. Can you speak more about how to work with this and any other suggestions

I’m curious about what’s going on from an SBSM perspective. I’m 26 and I’ve had this thing since I was 19, at least, where my joints make snapping and popping sounds. I’m quite flexible. My pelvis and hips seem to come unaligned frequently. I feel I need to make this popping happen in my joints quite often, to realign. Movement feels great but doesn’t seem to lessen this. I want to cultivate balance and wellness. Curious about what might be happening.

I’m having issues with identifying sensations, emotions, and feelings. Both when I’m dysregulated and when I’m doing the neurosensory exercises. I did think I was getting more regulated, but now feel I’ve gotten more dysregulated. Could you please suggest reasons for not being able to identify these? And how can I make progress? It feels like I’m just not getting it at all. I find I’m making guesses to what these sensations or feelings are, and then I later realize that that wasn’t right.

All right. So lots of questions about what to do with activation. Again there’s too many for me to answer individually. So I want to talk in general about what to do with activation when it shows up.

“I have some pretty significant preverbal shock trauma. When I have built enough capacity to release this, what might it look like? Can it come on without warning? Might it bring me to my knees? Since it’s preverbal, knowing what I know from my experience with psychedelics, will it be messy, and childish, and confusing? I guess I’m just curious if it might come out of nowhere and resemble having to, like, go to the bathroom really badly and not being able to hold it

“In my first few weeks of life, my mother did not produce enough milk, and I frequently passed out from starvation.” That’s intense, so yeah. Anybody, if you may notice something in your own system responding to that, just be aware, and think about your seat, and your feet, and your environment. “Now after finishing SBSM 11 last week, I realized that this may be why I’ve been a sugar addict and a binge eater for five decades.” Yes. I would say you are 100% right. “I pay attention to when the urge to binge arises and any emotional and physiological sensations as early as possible, but there’s been no shift. Are there specific neurosensory exercises I should focus on to release this unhealthy external resource?” Wow.

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