
“I found the basic joints exercise helpful and even pleasant to do, possibly because it took my attention away from the deep seeded tension in my face and throat, in particular. My breathing feels constrained by the chronic tension in my throat in an ingrained pattern of shallow breathing, holding my breath for no apparent reason. What are some ways to begin working on relaxing the muscles in the throat to breathe and talk more freely?”

Let me see. Anything else here. Okay. And then someone else asked, “Every time I do this resistance exercise, I notice a tightness in the chest, throat, and mouth. Something I’ve been dealing with on a daily basis for over a decade. And the first time I did the exercise, the words that came to me were, I choke. How do I know that this is resistance I’m dealing with?”

“In my first few weeks of life, my mother did not produce enough milk, and I frequently passed out from starvation.” That’s intense, so yeah. Anybody, if you may notice something in your own system responding to that, just be aware, and think about your seat, and your feet, and your environment. “Now after finishing SBSM 11 last week, I realized that this may be why I’ve been a sugar addict and a binge eater for five decades.” Yes. I would say you are 100% right. “I pay attention to when the urge to binge arises and any emotional and physiological sensations as early as possible, but there’s been no shift. Are there specific neurosensory exercises I should focus on to release this unhealthy external resource?” Wow.

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