
Hi, Seth. I had, in 2013 and 2017, a vertigo attack. Since it didn’t stop, I had to call an ambulance, and the other time I went to the hospital, I’ve seen specialists, but they couldn’t find any physical issues. I’m worried it’ll happen again. Now, when I’m in social situations, I feel dizziness, which comes up from the neck and head, and I have anxiety, which makes it worse. I’ve got generalized anxiety and early trauma as well. What can I do?

I never saw myself as having anxiety, but I’ve been feeling into it a lot lately with much shaking and teeth chattering. The shaking just keeps going unless I stop. Maybe too much of this is overwhelm and trigger, and it led to being sent to A&E with a very high blood pressure.” I assume A&E is a name for emergency. “Seven hours there crammed amongst lots of spluttering children led to horrendous flu, and now my blood pressure is perfectly normal, but heart rate still high. Not been ill like this in a decade. It’s been agonizing. Feels like endurance and suffering are inevitable and relentless.

How do I know what to do?” Lots of questions about, ” What exercise do I apply when? How do I know what to do when I’m feeling a lot of high emotion? What to do if there’s, say, movements, I have movements coming, but it’s always the same, nothing changes?

Due to my big T Trauma, I had arthritis in my neck, shoulders, and my shoulder muscles were torn. Doctor of physical therapy says it’s hard to treat arthritis. What neuro-exercise can I do to heal them? I’m now doing tense, relax and containment.

I’m 51 and in a loving relationship for 11 years. I’ve since the start, had my nervous system going into a hypervigilant mode around my partner’s involvement with his ex and his kids, which feels like a big threat to my internal safety. It’s all above board in doing the right thing from his part. I think I’ve got complex PTSD from being exposed to this regularly. I was born breached with hip joints not developed properly and was put into a contraption for a few early weeks and I never cried and I slept a lot and I wasn’t interested in feeding. Freeze? Any advice?

I’ve always struggled promptly replying to messages from friends and family. I find it a struggle to authentically express myself so everything feels really forced and empty, like there’s doubt laced into every word I type. This has become more visceral since beginning this course, and I feel anxiety while trying to reply or knowing I have messages to respond to. What is happening here, is this something that will change with more regulation?

I can sit with bodily sensations without fearing the fear, but nothing comes up to make it complete. No movement, no sound, et cetera. It feels much harder when it’s not a specific shock trauma, but instead long term stress and pushing oneself, never feeling enough, feeling unsafe around people since childhood. What might it look like then?”

I’ve got two sleep questions. Could sleep apnea be caused by trauma and due to a dysregulated nervous system? Apparently I’m snoring and I stop breathing, but I still need to confirm this. And then background, I’ve got general anxiety, panic attacks and sleeping issues since many years. Waking up around 4:00 AM and not being able to fall asleep again. I remember your advice to get up and to get rid of the energy, but I’m still just sleepy and my mind is awake. Any advice?

I had a rather traumatizing pregnancy and birth and early postpartum period. And I am so troubled by the potential effect on my new baby. Although she seems fine, although I don’t know what to look for in babies, I know she is sensitive and suspect she’s affected deep down. I’m wondering what I could do to help her nervous system to heal or minimize the effects, especially while I’m still a big stress ball. Perhaps you have an idea with some of the program material. Any words of wisdom on this?

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