
I used to think I was lazy or not smart when trying to read anything information, science, technical, et cetera. Even in subjects I’m passionate about, I cannot concentrate. I reread lines. I feel like I have to highlight everything in order to remember it, to understand it. Bookshelves filled with books that I only read a few pages, many of which have been recommended in SBSM, and I am truly interested in. I realize now that reading these things is very activating to me.” Aha. “Suggestions on how to heal this.

This is my third SBSM and this is the first year in my life I’ve experienced burnout. About five times now where I’ve had to rest for one to two weeks to recover. It usually follows work stress or people that drain me, or doing too much. I had high anxiety for years and then completely shut down before I started somatic work. I had never experienced burnout in my entire life before this. It seems I actually have to do less now with more capacity. Why? If I’m becoming more regulated, am I having less tolerance for stress?

Being triggered is always an opportunity to work with old trauma,” is something I said in a previous call. “Instead of just soothing and resourcing, I might need to get rid of some old balls to get to another layer?

How can we get fear out of our body? Anger seems easy. Hit the pillow, squeeze the towel. But fear, one thing that comes to mind is to run short sprints. But what if my fear is of health issues? I’ve been dealing with some unexplained bone and joint pain and the idea to run also makes me afraid of injuring myself and ending up with new or worse pain. Just sitting with fear and taming it sometimes works but feels like it is only keeping it under the surface. I would like to move it out of my body

I was telling somebody of this work the other day, and they responded that if you’re able to control your thoughts and your mind, you would never experience any stress.” Oh, wouldn’t that be nice? “It’s all about perception. It turned into an argument about what comes first, thoughts or emotions. I just wanted to hear your opinion on this matter. Could you control your stress by just controlling your attitude to any given situation?

“Does connecting with the body in an environment really get to feel better? Biology of stress number five, the slide on the things to build capacity. Doing these things exhausts me. It feels like so much work. It feels boring. It actually inhibits my ability to do a lot of stuff that my body does do automatically on autopilot. I have to go back into my head and thoughts to rest, to get a break in my head. It feels like relief and ease connecting with the environment is exhausting.”

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