
I’m having issues with identifying sensations, emotions, and feelings. Both when I’m dysregulated and when I’m doing the neurosensory exercises. I did think I was getting more regulated, but now feel I’ve gotten more dysregulated. Could you please suggest reasons for not being able to identify these? And how can I make progress? It feels like I’m just not getting it at all. I find I’m making guesses to what these sensations or feelings are, and then I later realize that that wasn’t right.

Why? Why is this happening? What does it mean? What does it all mean? I’ve had a few questions come in that are sort of asking about a symptom or a sensation they were having, and the question was why is this happening? What does it mean?

Another thing that can happen is someone asked about, they noticed that they were able to stay present. There was this big emotion. They had this experience and this big emotion came through and they were able to stay present and notice the feelings of it. And then later on the heels of that, there was big activation, feeling like, I think they said fuzzy.

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