
“I know dysregulation often causes reduced hunger and appetite, but can the opposite be true?” You betcha. “I’m always hungry, never satiated. When I intentionally eat a balanced meal, I still feel hunger sensations even if I’m physically full and stuffed. I eat more than enough calories every day, about 2,400. I’m overweight and desire to lose some weight, but I’m so triggered by hunger because of the low blood sugar symptoms, so I remain overweight because I’m hungry all the time and am very uncomfortable with hunger.

When I wake up, and I’m still in bed, and evenings when I fall asleep, I have uncomfortable pins and needles that arise, kind of nerve pains in my feet and hands. It’s automatic. I try to welcome the sensations without feeding the fear, but it always comes back like a Pavlov response. Most of the time, either I have trouble falling asleep or when I wake up in bed, I always have to come out quickly to not increase the sensations. What could I do to reduce it and not have those sensations anymore?

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