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09. I’m still a little skeptical. Help?

By |2022-09-11T20:10:09-07:00September 10th, 2022||

A little skepticism and confusion around the whole concept and approach of nervous system healing is normal. For most people this is new information! So new, groundbreaking and revolutionary, that it hasn’t yet made it into medical schools and the majority of other trainings. Many medical and health care professionals remain unaware and uneducated in [...]

1 – Where, when, and how to do this lesson?

By |2019-11-14T13:32:14-08:00April 18th, 2019||

This section addresses the following questions: Should I bring attention to my kidneys whenever I notice SNS arousal? Will that help me? Irene suggests doing this exercise a lot. Can we practice it in our day to day activities, or when we notice we are getting activated? Or should we pause and take the time [...]

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1. There’s so much tension/activation! How will this help?

By |2019-11-14T14:06:24-08:00April 30th, 2019||

This section addresses the following questions: I have lots of tension in my upper shoulders and neck. So much so that I've given up on massages, because it's been years since they were relaxing. Do you think these exercises might help? A tough exercise for me. Very challenging to try and focus on these body [...]

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5. As someone who has struggled with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for the past decade, I’ve been eager to experiment with this exercise. I experience an array of unpleasant sensations in my gut most days. I’ve completed the exercise four times now. When I do it before bed, I fall asleep within the first five minutes, and wake back up towards the end of the exercise. I’m not sure if this is a freeze state, or if my digestive system is simply needing the rest? When I do it in the morning, I’m able to stay awake, but haven’t noticed an increase in sensations or movement in the gut. If anything, I feel less connected to my gut during the exercise, as if there is a void of sensation. I wonder if there is a way that I can refine this exercise, so that my gut experiences more ease and flow?

By |2019-11-14T15:00:33-08:00May 11th, 2019||

When the system has been irritated for so long, it will take quite a lot of repetition to change things, so I would say just keep it up! If you only fall asleep at night when you’re tired, but not when you try it during the day, I don’t think that’s a freeze response rising [...]

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By |2024-01-10T16:11:40-08:00January 10th, 2024|

My biggest takeaway was learning how to better explore my somatic experience in the witnessing presence of others. My next takeaway was feeling deeply inspired and connected by other pod members doing their work.

Elia is an exceptional group leader. He sets the stage for each weekly session by bringing his wise, calm presence and fresh vision which are all very natural to him. He is able to skillfully adapt to each member’s level of willingness to either reveal or withhold in a light and accepting way. He is an excellent listener, and often mirrors and validates a person at just the right time. All this is the Special Sauce for the group’s level of trust, bonding and success.

My biggest takeaway was learning how to better explore my somatic experience in the witnessing presence of others. My next takeaway was feeling deeply inspired and connected by other pod members doing their work. Elia is an exceptional group leader. He sets the stage for each weekly session by bringing his wise, calm presence and [...]

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11. What if I get behind?

By |2022-09-11T20:09:15-07:00September 10th, 2022||

Great news! There is no such thing as ‘behind’! WE REALLY MEAN THIS! Yes, there is a curriculum and a program outline of one possible way to go through the program, but that’s all it is – one possibility. One of the very first lessons is called ‘Follow Your Impulse,’ and that is SO important [...]

1 – Internal and External Resources vs Coping Mechanisms

By |2019-11-11T14:18:59-08:00February 25th, 2019|, |

This section addresses the following questions: Are resources and coping mechanisms the same thing? Can my resources be learned behaviours that help me cope? Is it a resource if it keeps us from going into overwhelm? Is it a resource if it suppresses emotions/activation/stress? Is avoidance a resource? Is it considered a resource if [...]

3 – Are babies born with the ability to freeze — go into dorsal vagal? Or just sympathetic in the beginning? I ask because according to my mom, I was always a very calm baby right from the start — they took me to get tested because they thought I was deaf. I don’t think I fussed that much either.

By |2019-11-11T12:38:11-08:00April 8th, 2019||

Yes, babies are born with both the sympathetic nervous system and the dorsal vagal nerve ready to rock. They have access to fight/flight/freeze, but they do not have access to social engagement and self-soothing, which are governed by the ventral vagus. This must be learned. If a baby is distressed all the time, that is [...]

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