01 Naomi

I’ve had chronic fatigue for years.

It has debilitated my social life and ability to exercise, go out, and have fun. I tried everything with diet, supplements, meditation, gentle yoga, etc.. Despite being disciplined and a saint in those areas, I was still having insomnia, migraines, difficulties focusing at work, and was exhausted all the time.

I tried releasing the core belief that “I’m not good enough” through counselling and meditation but it kept on rearing its head in unexpected ways causing suffering in my life. I could also feel fear, anger...

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SBSM Alumni

01 Naomi

I’ve had chronic fatigue for years.

It has debilitated my social life and ability to exercise, go out, and have fun. I tried everything with diet, supplements, meditation, gentle yoga, etc.. Despite being disciplined and a saint in those areas, I was still having insomnia, migraines, difficulties focusing at work, and was exhausted all the time.

I tried releasing the core belief that “I’m not good enough” through counselling and meditation but it kept on rearing its head in unexpected ways causing suffering in my life. I could also feel fear, anger, and sadness (my old traumas) as tension stuck in my body. I tried different modalities to release them but I was impatient and they wouldn’t release. Some meditation techniques were even too cathartic and re-traumatized my nervous system instead.

Working directly with and at the level of the nervous system was the missing piece. Irene’s 12 week SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM) program helped me understand why I still had all these repeating issues and the exercises helped (and still are helping) me get unstuck.

SmartBody SmartMind is laid out in a way that releases stored trauma, creates more space, and capacity in the nervous system in a gentle way. This process is slow and takes time, but it’s potent and lasting. I didn’t finish the lessons and exercises in 12 weeks, but Irene encourages us to listen to our bodies and slow down when we need to, so I did that.

I reduced my hours at work and dedicated myself to this practice last summer. I noticed improvements early on and it has accelerated my progress in healing. Even my Somatic Experiencing (SE) teacher was amazed at how far I had come along in 6 months!

I also love the science she brings into this. I’m a former PhD physicist, so it’s important to me that things make sense. Through her lessons, I learned why these neurosensory exercises work and why I sometimes must slow down.

The nervous system cannot be pushed into healing. As an over-achiever slowing down has always been difficult because I believed that you must “do-do-do” to achieve, but armed with this new knowledge it’s easier to let go, rest, and trust in the wisdom of the nervous system to heal itself.

Here are some improvements I experienced from doing SBSM:

  • The frequency of insomnia is decreasing, and I sleep better. I have an easier time falling asleep and falling back asleep when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee.
  • The frequency of headaches and migraines has dropped. I take more breaks and Irene’s exercises help release some of the stuck tension.
  • Whereas I used to have to plan a whole week around one event or social occasion, I am starting to be more spontaneous.
  • I have more energy to get chores done.
  • I don’t need as much recovery time as I used to. Of course, I still am more limited than others and I have to be careful not to expend too much energy, but the fact that I have some life energy back is huge progress.
  • I have more energy to handle stressful days at work. In fact, I am also generally calmer during work.
  • I have more containment to handle being out in public and unfamiliar places. Leaving the comfort of my home, my safe space, can still be overwhelming at times, but much less than before.
  • As I am releasing fear in my body through this work – my actions are becoming less fear-driven and I make healthier choices now. I haven’t had a huge burnout from doing too much since I started this work.
  • Re-wiring the nervous system is a slow process, at times painfully slow, and sometimes you feel worse before feeling better, therefore I am also grateful for the encouraging and supportive SBSM Facebook community (the fellow participants, Irene, and her professional staff).

It was also wonderful to finally connect with a group of people that understood what chronic fatigue syndromes (CFS) is and what I was going through. I still have chronic fatigue, no stamina to exercise, and need more rest and quiet time than others, but I am more content with this condition now. I know how to work with it instead of feeling like it is working against me.

I am so mind blown by this experience that I am inspired to become an Somatic Experiencing practitioner eventually myself.

Every round I do this, I notice a big shift in my nervous system. There is more openness, flow, and ease in my body and life. Taking part in 2021, I noticed a reduced pressure in my head and the ability for my body to regulate and return to a relaxed state quicker than before.

Thank you, Irene. I feel nothing but deep gratitude for you.”


SBSM Alumni

02 Linda – Video Testimonial

Healing MS via Nervous System Health


02 Linda – Video Testimonial

Healing MS via Nervous System Health


03 Linda

My nervous system was in a state of functioning freeze. I repressed a lot of emotions. I did not like conflict. I had a tendency to go into shut down. I tried to always be nice and a people-pleaser. I felt shame around feeling “negative” emotions.

I was diagnosed with colon cancer 2 years ago and had a baseball size tumor removed.

I chose to take a holistic approach to my healing, and a year after working with my doctor he recommended I have a second cancer test done that is very specialized. The results came back and the numbers barely changed...

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SBSM Alumni

03 Linda

My nervous system was in a state of functioning freeze. I repressed a lot of emotions. I did not like conflict. I had a tendency to go into shut down. I tried to always be nice and a people-pleaser. I felt shame around feeling “negative” emotions.

I was diagnosed with colon cancer 2 years ago and had a baseball size tumor removed.

I chose to take a holistic approach to my healing, and a year after working with my doctor he recommended I have a second cancer test done that is very specialized. The results came back and the numbers barely changed. I started to cry. My doctor told me that I had done a great job with my diet and supplements but if he had to give me a grade for my stress level he would give me an “F”. The test was done on September 21 2016 and I was blessed with an email about Irene’s 3-part video series and I started SmartBody SmartMind on October 4, 2016.

Just today a friend who sees my same doctor asked me what do I feel changed for me after my doctor told me that I was failing in the stress department. I told her that hands down it was taking Irene’s 12 week program.

Irene’s 12 week program provides information that is so valuable for understanding our nervous systems. The class is structured in a way that it is dosed out perfectly so that you never feel overwhelmed. I was impressed with the way the program was laid out. No matter your learning style Irene provided material to fit. I was able to read the lesson, watch a video and print off the transcripts. Brilliant!

I love that I can take this class as many times as I want, as I have a tendency to be an overachiever, but I felt for the first time with an online class that I could pace myself and if I did not complete the 12 weeks that it was okay. This took so much stress off me and it helped my nervous system.

Irene provides exercises that are great tools. I found this to be so very helpful. So often people present theory but they do not share tools that can be helpful for self-empowerment and healing. I have greatly enjoyed the private FB group as well. I have learned so much from people’s posts and comments. I feel a real sense of community as a member of this group.

Now I have healthier relationships with people and I am so much more compassionate about what people are going through. Irene encourages us to honor our bodies plus she teaches us to self-regulate. That was huge for me since I have always had a tendency to shut down or rage. I feel like I have spent so much of my life out of my body. This program made me feel safe to be in my body and to appreciate it’s wonder from a whole new level.


SBSM Alumni

04 John

THANK YOU!! I LOVED the program.

Each exercise was simple, short and relatively easy… almost too easy… but when you put them all together and practice them together religiously, magic happens. The implications are HUGE… and it all plays into spiritual work perfectly.

Objective signs it’s worked for me are… much calmer even under stress, confronted and then cut off a couple of coaches I was working with that turned out to be toxic (it felt like the scariest thing I’d ever done but I fucking did it), about to end my relationship with my GF of almost 4 ...

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SBSM Alumni

04 John

THANK YOU!! I LOVED the program.

Each exercise was simple, short and relatively easy… almost too easy… but when you put them all together and practice them together religiously, magic happens. The implications are HUGE… and it all plays into spiritual work perfectly.

Objective signs it’s worked for me are… much calmer even under stress, confronted and then cut off a couple of coaches I was working with that turned out to be toxic (it felt like the scariest thing I’d ever done but I fucking did it), about to end my relationship with my GF of almost 4 years because it’s become clear it’s not working and I don’t feel safe, meditating more and much more focused on my spiritual work. I feel much better overall. Stronger, more powerful, less needy, much more willing to set boundaries and exercise my anger, much less ashamed of my anger, willing to cry anytime as a somatic release (after not crying for decades), and much more.

I can’t believe that more people don’t know about this stuff. I’m seriously considering moving my career in this direction. Absolutely life changing, and you’re right… this is only the beginning. Onwards and upwards baby!


SBSM Alumni

05 Marloes


Time and again I realize I can be thankful that I have found the work of Irene Lyon, and the desire to express that is growing day by day.

I have my life back and more than that! Last year I got stuck with all kinds of complaints. Fear and panic, unable to function in work and social contacts. I couldn’t eat many foods due to histamine and digestive problems. Now almost a year later I take stock every day and the list of pure winnings is getting longer. Because I keep on realizing what is possible now.

Just a summary of happiness.


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SBSM Alumni

05 Marloes


Time and again I realize I can be thankful that I have found the work of Irene Lyon, and the desire to express that is growing day by day.

I have my life back and more than that! Last year I got stuck with all kinds of complaints. Fear and panic, unable to function in work and social contacts. I couldn’t eat many foods due to histamine and digestive problems. Now almost a year later I take stock every day and the list of pure winnings is getting longer. Because I keep on realizing what is possible now.

Just a summary of happiness.

More energy, Sleep is better, Happier, More humor, Stay better with myself, Set limits, More pleasant in contact with others. Being able to eat normally and the freedom that that gives. Normal digestion. Attitude is better, I can walk on higher shoes again, I spend less money. Less need for conflict with others. Fairer, better contact with my body. In contact with my body’s wisdom. Take more risks. And so even more.

Thank you so much Irene for putting your wisdom and your power into your programs and for sharing them with the world. Thank you for who you are. A great source of inspiration.


SBSM Alumni

06 Lisa – Video Testimonial

Healing the Immune System



06 Lisa – Video Testimonial

Healing the Immune System



07 Leni

I have found myself resting and pausing for the first time in my life.

There is more relaxation, and that is not familiar to me, normally I am always on the go. So titration, orienting, feeling, grounding is a daily habit now. In my professional life there is an evolution by proceeding where in the past I got stuck. I always find it hard to complete something, but now I am really launching my own company. I feel the joy now, the excitement, instead of the fear.


SBSM Alumni

07 Leni

I have found myself resting and pausing for the first time in my life.

There is more relaxation, and that is not familiar to me, normally I am always on the go. So titration, orienting, feeling, grounding is a daily habit now. In my professional life there is an evolution by proceeding where in the past I got stuck. I always find it hard to complete something, but now I am really launching my own company. I feel the joy now, the excitement, instead of the fear.


SBSM Alumni

08 Wendy

First off, this course is a safe place to ask questions and to be vulnerable. The support from the admin team was superb and it was very comforting to have classmates who supported me. I am indebted to Irene, her team, and the beautiful people who have chosen to be on this healing journey.

I have been diagnosed with complex PTSD. It was tearing my marriage apart, despite having a very supportive husband. My mind was on high alert and anything remotely negative, judgemental, or critical of others would put me into a tailspin.

I persevered though...

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SBSM Alumni

08 Wendy

First off, this course is a safe place to ask questions and to be vulnerable. The support from the admin team was superb and it was very comforting to have classmates who supported me. I am indebted to Irene, her team, and the beautiful people who have chosen to be on this healing journey.

I have been diagnosed with complex PTSD. It was tearing my marriage apart, despite having a very supportive husband. My mind was on high alert and anything remotely negative, judgemental, or critical of others would put me into a tailspin.

I persevered though! I kept on doing the work in SmartBody SmartMind and eventually my body seemed to know that my husband did not hate me as I had perceived he did. That was the turning point. Rarely does my body get triggered any more as it did… and it is a relief beyond description.

Hope is what this course has given me. Hope and a lot of self compassion.


SBSM Alumni

09 Darla

Wow, where to start? This has been a MAJOR life changing experience for me. I am gleaning everything I can and will continue to so it can become the new normal for my system.

My car accident in 2010 left me with injuries in my upper body that have affected every aspect of my life. These injuries produced chronic pain, foggy or confused thinking, insomnia, migraines, adrenal/chronic fatigue, unstable ribs that rotate from chronic muscle spasms, neuropathy and a sense of being unplugged in a heavy body. My legs get so heavy with Charlie horse cra...

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SBSM Alumni

09 Darla

Wow, where to start? This has been a MAJOR life changing experience for me. I am gleaning everything I can and will continue to so it can become the new normal for my system.

My car accident in 2010 left me with injuries in my upper body that have affected every aspect of my life. These injuries produced chronic pain, foggy or confused thinking, insomnia, migraines, adrenal/chronic fatigue, unstable ribs that rotate from chronic muscle spasms, neuropathy and a sense of being unplugged in a heavy body. My legs get so heavy with Charlie horse cramps I can barely walk as my energy drains and I try to push myself. According to the multi-injury specialist because of the way my treatment was handled it totally confused my nervous system to the point where it no longer knew how to function properly. They knew it needed to be rewired but drugs were all they could offer to manage the symptoms. They had no idea how to actually rewire it. The steroids used for inflammation created early onset osteoporosis and Fibromyalgia was added to my medical chart in March of 2017 due to increasing symptoms and no improvements with any treatments.

The most tangible physical result of taking SmartBody SmartMind is that after years of new symptoms arising every 4-6 weeks taking this program stopped that downward spiral my body was on. It has now been 15 weeks since my last new symptom occurred! That alone screams success! The other physical things I have noticed are: I now have random bursts of joyful energy for a few moments at a time, although I still don’t sleep more than a few hours at a time I am slowly adding more times where I can go back to sleep. My ribs are not rotating as quickly or creating as deep of bruising from the rotations, I’m breathing more fully – not holding my breath as much, migraines and stabbing/burning sensations of neuropathy are less intense, the heavy weighted down feeling is lighter, less depressive thoughts/feelings, digestion/elimination is better, I feel more emotionally stable, and I seem to be able to relax easier – I have random moments where I feel completely safe to just be alive.

My overview of the program is this: it is very well organized, suggested outline to follow is paced well, no pressure to push through it or do it perfect, good preparation for what to expect, lessons are easy to follow, educational content is comprehensive and thorough, bonus education adds additional clarity, bonus music section helps body relax to absorb exercise lessons, good balance of educational lessons and time to absorb them, the ability to have live training and ask questions creates atmosphere of safety, the team support is stellar with quick compassionate responses, other people sharing their stories often answers questions I didn’t know I had and provides a community connection feeling of you are not crazy or alone. The ability to share what you want, when, or nothing at all creates empowerment.

This is very different from other group therapy I’ve been in. The sense of safety has allowed me to explore suppressed areas in my being. I’ve been able to release a lot of anger, guilt and shame in realizing my body is simply having a biological response to trauma. I’ve found a deep level of forgiveness and compassion for myself and others in recognizing I had birth and developmental trauma. Understanding the biology and principles of the nervous system is helping me slowly and steadily release myself from the tyranny of perfectionism and the idea I need to be constantly productive/ busy to be worthy of value. I am still strong but being a Wonder Woman who does it all can never be part of my life again and now I am learning the skills I need to become my true self. Because I’ve been working on the cognitive aspects to heal my inner being for years, this inner shift is the most amazing to me. Adding in the body feels like what I have been missing all along.


SBSM Alumni

10 David – Video Testimonial

Better Mental Health via Nervous System Regulation Instead of Coping Strategies


Empowerment Coach

10 David – Video Testimonial

Better Mental Health via Nervous System Regulation Instead of Coping Strategies


Empowerment Coach

11 Janet

Yahooo!! After 3 nights of orienting, pendulating & titrating my mind with gentle acceptance & thoughts..

I was able to fall asleep WITHOUT using medication. After years of nightly use, I was able to relax and sleep.

I feel like this is the beginning of a new sleeping practise. Thanks SO much for your lessons & words of encouragement!!


SBSM Alumni

11 Janet

Yahooo!! After 3 nights of orienting, pendulating & titrating my mind with gentle acceptance & thoughts..

I was able to fall asleep WITHOUT using medication. After years of nightly use, I was able to relax and sleep.

I feel like this is the beginning of a new sleeping practise. Thanks SO much for your lessons & words of encouragement!!


SBSM Alumni

12 Sue

I love Irene’s style of teaching, she is so clear and aware of everyone’s possible needs and abilities. Often suggesting things that made me more aware of the needs of others too. Such a nice tone and regulated voice too.


SBSM Alumni

12 Sue

I love Irene’s style of teaching, she is so clear and aware of everyone’s possible needs and abilities. Often suggesting things that made me more aware of the needs of others too. Such a nice tone and regulated voice too.


SBSM Alumni
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