Have some more questions?
Read below where I address some of the most frequently asked questions about SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM)
To date thousands of people from over 60 countries have ‘walked’ the virtual hallways of SBSM, and they are making remarkable progress in how they live, heal, parent, work, connect, love, and so much more.
1. What’s the difference between SBSM and the 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up?
1 – The 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up is more of an introduction course to Irene’s work, think of it as ‘an appetizer before the main meal’ if you will. While we have had many people benefit from the 21 Day course on its own, many find that it opens them up to the theory and ideas that you then dive further into with the SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM™) program.
The 21 Day course is self-study composed of 9 neurosensory exercises and my signature biology of stress training videos (5 in total). With SBSM, you get 30+ neurosensory exercises, live Q&A calls, 9 training calls (this is in addition to the biology of stress videos), movement lessons, a supportive area to ask your questions, and lifetime access to all the material for as long as the course is offered, plus access to the 21 Day course.
MANY of the SBSM neurosensory exercises that aren’t in the ’21 Days’ are geared towards working with early/developmental trauma, the most widespread kind of trauma in industrialized society, which requires nuanced work with a strong foundation. For example, you learn how to work with the kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as the gut and brainstem interface, two essential areas for restoring safety and regulation to the nervous system.
Also we bring in working with containers of the body called diaphragms, the joints, and the ‘layers’ – skin, fascia, muscle, bone. All of these practices involve bringing attunement, touch, and curiosity to areas of the human body that often hold old trauma and emotion, in a direct way that greatly supports working with early/developmental wounds, when there was no story or meaning, just direct sensation.
We also work quite a bit with the energy of anger by tapping into what we call Healthy Aggression, which is not in the 21 Day program.
There are also more advanced Feldenkraisian ‘awareness through movement’ lessons that work directly with improving skeletal movement patterns, enhancing the quality and capacity of breath, and tonifying the global nervous systems.
2 – Training (lecture) Calls provide added psychoeducation that go beyond what’s taught in the Biology of Stress Video Training. Anger and healthy aggression, the differences when working with shock trauma and developmental trauma, and what it takes to heal toxic shame (hint: it’s working with the emotion of disgust!), are just some of the key topics taught.
3 – Curated Q&A calls with Seth Lyon, Irene’s husband and colleague, will give all members an opportunity to dive deeper into their understanding of the autonomic nervous system, somatic healing, and the varied levels of integration that exist when we really focus on capacity building and building safety and regulation.
Plus, you’ll still get the same kind of professional support from Irene’s team of nervous system experts that is available in the 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up (but from the full team of eleven rather than just the two who moderate the Tune-Up), and lifetime membership for as long as the program is offered in its current form (see SBSM program terms for more details).
4 – Added Bonuses: In addition to a larger amount of content and deeper learning, there are some unique bonuses to SBSM, such as movement lessons that are inspired by Tai Chi, Qigong, and dance which are taught by Irene’s teaching partner and colleague, Elia Mrak, and a series of pre-program training videos geared to cover other essentials of neuroplastic healing.
Also, hours of healing original music composed and produced by Seth (who was a composer and sound healer before getting into this work), as well as various other supplemental resources such as my recommended books for additional reading, and additional (optional) neurosensory exercises.
2. How is the program laid out?
There are ten weekly ‘Labs’ which are the course modules. Each Lab has its own video introduction to walk you through it, and, on average, four lessons, (some weeks have one less or one more). These lessons will either be Neurosensory Audio exercises (this forms the bulk of the content), Video Trainings, Interviews, or written educational content. Each Lab also has its own FAQ section, and there are weekly training calls that go with every Lab.
There are also a whole bunch of extras that get rolled out over the course of the program, everything from book recommendations to original music composed by Seth Lyon to support your education, personal process, and integration. Another bonus are the Movement Lessons taught by Elia Mrak, Irene’s co-teacher for the Up & Down Workshops.
There are curated Q&A calls every week that new content is released. In addition, you will have access to text-based support from Team Lyon professionals within the program site. All Team Lyon pros are trained in a variety of somatic-based trauma healing modalities such as Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Practice, and Feldenkrais. Finally, as part of your membership, you’ll receive four extra weeks of text-based support after we complete the 12-week program proper.
We begin the SBSM journey with an orientation period that provides time to get familiar with the program site, ask questions about how the things work, as well as introduce yourself (this is optional) via our Program Site Introduction page.
3. What are Neurosensory Exercises?
The Neurosensory Audio Lessons vary greatly in terms of the ground they cover, but they all share some common themes. All of them are designed to help you get into your body and nervous system in a gentle, often profoundly different, kind of way. They all encourage development of both attention and intention – two of the most powerful tools we have for working with our system. And they are sequenced in such a way that they all build on each other, to support the greatest possible growth and change.
They support you in exploring such things as the Body-Mind-Environment-Connection, various bodily systems, such as the joints, and what we call ‘diaphragms,’ as well as helping you get in touch with and express things that may be hiding in your system, like anger, grief, and other common emotions associated with unresolved trauma. That only scratches the surface though – there is a LOT in these exercises.
The Neurosensory Exercises vary in length from 8 to 45 minutes.
Here is a vlog of Irene’s with more info about the Neurosensory Exercises.
4. Is SmartBody SmartMind™ Irene’s own invention?
Yes! And No! Let us explain 🙂
Irene has had a LOT of great teachers and mentors over the course of more than 20 years of study. For her full bio and credentials, CLICK HERE.
All of this learning informs this program, so there is education and practice in here that stems from many sources; most notably the work of Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing), Kathy Kain (Somatic Practice), and Moshe Feldenkrais (The Feldenkrais Method).
These three main methodologies form the base of the work presented in SmartBody SmartMind™ and they complement each other. Together they present a holistic approach to healing trauma and restoring regulation.
Irene’s gift is putting all these very complex elements together in a way that is easy to understand, sequenced in the right way, and in an online format that is easy to use. So, while the content of SBSM – the video lectures, articles, training calls, and Neurosensory Audio lessons that you will receive – are informed by all Irene has learned, they are Irene’s unique creation.
5. Is this program all I need to heal?
It’s not possible to give a definitive answer to this often asked question because everyone is unique! For some people, through dedicated application of the education in this program, it can be enough.
Other people will need additional support such as individual sessions with a skilled somatic practitioner, and/or the application of other modalities that can complement this work, such as osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, massage, nutritional or naturopathic support, or other methods. If you are uncertain on what level of support you may need we recommend you consult with appropriate healthcare providers.
One thing that is VERY important to understand is this: no matter who you are, what you’ve been through, or at what level of dysregulation your system is operating, we believe this education and practice is foundational. With this foundational work on board, everything else can be more effective. The somatic nervous system approach is the core foundation of well-being.
Another thing to know is that this work is not about ‘getting fixed’ in the way that we often think of healing in Western culture. Yes, symptoms can resolve and health can improve, yet this work is meant to be a lifestyle shift that fundamentally changes how you relate to yourself, others, and the world around you all day, every day. It’s about learning how to live differently, and that can bring healing. And like any big change in how we live, it takes time and dedicated practice to really be effective.
6. Who is this program NOT for?
While it is not our intention to place limitations on anyone’s personal choice to take part in the educational content and experiential nature of the SBSM program, please be advised that this program may not be appropriate for individuals experiencing any of the following: diagnosed severe and longstanding psychiatric disorder, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, substance abuse, or addiction.
We have had people from all walks of life find success within SBSM, and if you are uncertain on whether this program is appropriate for you, we recommend you consult with appropriate healthcare providers before beginning.
7. How much time will I need to go through this program?
As much time as you need! Seriously, there is a suggested time table that we put out, but one of the first lessons in the program is about learning to follow your own impulse, and the reason we put that early on is because each person truly needs to learn to listen to their own system in order to determine how much time to put in and when.
Some people follow along with the program schedule just fine, others spend the whole 12 weeks just getting through the first couple labs. And all of that is ok. This work is meant to be a lifestyle change – to fundamentally change how you relate to yourself, others, and the world around you – and the time needed to do that will be different for each person.
So, that being said, here is a breakdown of the hours involved:
Total hours doing just the core content: 34 hours
Total hours doing everything (core content + attending all the calls + doing all the bonuses): 70 hours
Here’s an estimated breakdown of the hours per week by both ‘core content’ and ‘doing everything’:
Week |
Core Content (Hours) |
Everything (Hours) |
1 – Orientation | 2.5 | 3 |
2 – Lab 1 | 1.5 | 3.5 |
3 – Lab 2 | 2.75 | 6 |
4 – Lab 3 | 2.75 | 6 |
5 – Lab 4 | 3.5 | 8 |
6 – Rest Week | 0 | Member decides |
7 – Lab 5 | 2 | 5.25 |
8 – Lab 6 | 4.5 | 7.5 |
9 – Lab 7 | 2.75 | 9 |
10 – Rest Week | 0 | Member decides |
11 – Lab 8 | 3.75 | 7.75 |
12 – Lab 9 | 4.5 | 6.5 |
13 – Lab 10 | 3.5 | 7.5 |
14 – Post SBSM week | 0 | Member decides |
8. I’m still a little skeptical. Help?
The nervous system, though incredibly powerful in governing our bodily functions and impacting our health and well being, is essentially invisible. It’s IN us in the form of electrical impulses and the neurohormonal, neurochemical and muscular actions those impulses direct. However, you can’t point to it on a chart and say ‘See, here’s your trauma, here, and also here.’ So, it can be difficult to understand how important it really is until you get into the education and practice, and experience it for yourself.
Many past participants have been skeptical and not sure it would work, or that it might help a little but not really be a game-changer, as one of our alumni, Amy, talks about in this video at the 1:32 mark.
Bottom line is this – if you feel in your gut that this is something you need, even if your mind is resistant, consider taking the plunge and checking it out! You have 30 days to get your money back if it doesn’t feel like a good fit.
9. Will I become certified in this approach after doing this program?
No. There is no certification associated with the program. The program does not certify you to practice this work with others.
However, if you are already a practitioner who works with clients, what you will come out with is a huge set of knowledge and tools that can change how you see and work with your clients. Alumni who are practitioners have almost universally said that they aren’t even necessarily trying to change how they do their work, it just happens.
This is because when we deepen our ability to connect with our self, we automatically deepen our ability to connect with others. Increased self knowledge and a greatly refined ability to sense both your internal world and the world around you can impact how you work and live, in profound and beneficial ways for both you and your clients.
10. What if I get behind?
Great news! There is no such thing as ‘behind’! WE REALLY MEAN THIS!
Yes, there is a curriculum and a program outline of one possible way to go through the program, but that’s all it is – one possibility. One of the very first lessons is called ‘Follow Your Impulse,’ and that is SO important when it comes to how we move through this work. Even discovering how to feel what our natural impulses are can take weeks of practice for some people. And that’s fine! You have all the material for as long as the program runs, so you can follow your own rhythm.
11. Should I do this program or private sessions?
It depends, because everyone is unique. For some people, this program can be all they need. Others may need additional support, including individual sessions with a somatic practitioner. One to one sessions can be a very beneficial and sometimes necessary adjunct to this program, provided the practitioner is educated and skilled in this approach.
SBSM is truly a cutting edge program with a unique approach. Many Somatic Practitioners may be trauma informed, or even trauma trained. However, many are also not experienced in the education and experiential nature of Irene’s work. So if one is trying to choose between SBSM and private sessions, we suggest doing this program first.
Full engagement in SBSM can promote increased regulation and self-awareness. This can support all aspects of your life, including your capacity to choose the “just right” Somatic Practitioner, should you decide to include this in your personal process of healing and regulation. We often see that clients who go through SmartBody SmartMind™ first get better and quicker results from private sessions, than from private sessions alone.
12. When are the calls?
There are two kinds of calls:
- Training (lecture-style) Calls
- Curated Q&A Calls with Seth Lyon
There are 9 Training Calls and 10 curated Q&A Calls throughout the 12 weeks.
The Training Calls take place on Tuesdays at 11 am Pacific Time. The Q&A Calls are Thursdays at 10 am or 3 pm Pacific Time on the weeks when new labs are released.
The exact dates and time of all the calls will be listed on the SBSM website, including a calendar that you can sync with your own online calendar, and a time zone converter for those in other time zones. All calls (recorded or pre-recorded) are available for replay afterwards, so there is no need to be there live, as you can watch it at a later time that suits you.
Please note, Training Calls may be conducted live or delivered through pre-recorded video by Irene or other trained team members. Occasionally, calls may be rescheduled.
13. Can this work heal autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, and other severe health issues?
While this work can certainly help with, and even resolve these types of severe health issues, it’s very important to also recognize that there can be multiple, more complicated causes for such problems which may not be related directly to trauma and the expected resultant nervous system dysfunction.
If symptoms, issues and conditions arose due to things such as: exposure to toxicity in the air, water, or soil either from chemicals, mold, poor sanitation, or other, various forms of radiation, pharmaceutical interventions, hormonal imbalance issues, or if there were and are severe deficiencies in nutrients or other things the body needs, other interventions may also be necessary in addition to this work..
Some of these interventions could include things like: dietary change to support better nutrition and/or hydration; various detox protocols such as chelation therapy, oxygen therapy, or with a product like Pure Body or Pure Body Extra, which Irene and Seth have both used to detox from heavy metals in the body, and which they recommend.
Other helpful interventions they’ve been using include exposure to natural light outside first thing upon waking (no glasses or contacts), which supports circadian rhythms and mitochondrial health, and grounding with bare feet on the Earth frequently, which discharges electrical buildup in the system and facilitates a beneficial electron exchange.
Getting fresh air and moderate to intense exercise regularly can be very helpful, as is hydrotherapy – going from hot to cold, for flushing the lymphatic system and promoting good circulation. Here are some links to interviews Irene has done with various teachers in these fields, as well as some other resources she recommends:
Healing from toxins & detoxing with zeolite (interview with Eddie Stone)
Understanding sunlight for health and healing with Carrie Bennett
Harnessing the sun for health and healing with Sarah Kleiner
Healthy guts, hormones, sleep & a lot more with Kitty Martone
A deep dive into hormonal health (for the ladies) with Kitty Martone
14. I won’t have internet during part of the program. Should I wait?
If you will not have access to the internet for the entire length of the program, or a big majority of it, then yes, you should probably wait for the next round.
However, if it will only be a week, or a few weeks, then that shouldn’t be a problem. There are many circumstances that can arise that make it hard to get into the program anyway; internet or no internet, life happens! This is why everything in the program is downloadable.
Also, again! We highly encourage everyone to go at their own pace. So if that means downloading the lessons that have already been released onto your laptop, and doing them while away from the internet, that’s fine (in fact, repeating lessons is something that we have seen again and again to be invaluable, as you may find new and different things each time), and if it means putting the whole thing on hold for a bit and then coming back, that’s also fine.
15. Can this help with mental illness?
This program is not intended to treat or cure any disease or illness, including any diagnosed mental illness.
That said, anyone can benefit from increased nervous system regulation. A person needs to be well enough, and organized enough in their thinking to watch and absorb the education, and do the practices. So, someone presenting with a very extreme symptom like paranoid schizophrenia will not be able to benefit from this program, whereas someone struggling with a condition like OCD, anxiety, or depression, most likely will.
As long as one is well enough that they can show up, put in the time, and comprehend what is happening, they will likely benefit.
16. I work with clients, but I myself am struggling and unwell. Will this help me?
YES it can! There are so many helpers, healers, and practitioners out there who got into their work because they were unwell, and then managed to get better and wanted to help others, but who still struggle with persistent symptoms, low energy, or a tendency to burn out. Often, this is because the things they found to help them weren’t getting to the root cause, but rather were more based in symptom management. So they continue to go up and down in their health and well-being.
If this is you, then THIS can be the piece you are missing. When you do this work and restore health and well-being from the ground up by regulating your nervous system, your whole world can change. Not only can your health improve, so can the health of your clients, because you may naturally start to bring your new skills, increased knowledge, and your own nervous system regulation into your practice.
We truly can only help others to the degree to which we, ourselves, are healed. So start with YOU. This program can help you do that!
17. Can kids do this work?
It depends on their age. Older kids, like ages 14-18, probably could do this work if they wanted to, though not many teenagers are very interested in self-development! Younger kids, no, probably not.
What ALL kids can benefit from, though, is their parents doing the work! When we, as parents, start on this journey, and learn about our physiology – what’s going on inside us, and are able to understand why we behave, think, and feel the way we do – that can give us so much more insight into why our kids behave, think, and feel how they do. As we learn to work with our own body and mind in this nervous system-based way, we can learn how to help them.
And even more powerful and profound is the way that our own increased regulation can automatically increase our kids’ regulation. It just happens! As we become safer inside ourselves, they can feel safer around us. As our stress goes down, so can theirs. It’s really pretty miraculous how just one person doing this trauma healing work can positively affect their entire family system. For more on this, check out this video Irene made addressing this topic and Better Parenting via Nervous System Health Masterclass with Irene & Seth.
18. Will I get overwhelmed by my past trauma when I do this work?
This is another tricky question to answer! It’s important to begin with a mutual definition of “overwhelmed.” And to consider “past” and “present” time. Basically, overwhelmed means “too much.” It’s the most basic description of trauma: Something that was, or is, “too much” for our nervous system to process. Historically, this is the case with past trauma, as survival energies and emotions were too much to handle at the time, and became trapped energy.
We work very specifically and diligently in SBSM with attention and intention. These are two very powerful practices! We also build a solid foundation of “here and now” awareness. When we start turning our attention to our body, and more specifically, our nervous system, with the intention of healing our trauma, we may inevitably feel things that have historically been overwhelming. However with the SBSM education and practices embedded in awareness, you can be more prepared and able to avoid becoming overwhelmed now.
In SmartBody SmartMind™ we take many steps to prepare you for this with education, so you can understand what is happening in your experience, which generally makes it less scary, and by guiding you slowly from the basic, resource building work, to deeper investigations of the system. That being said, when you work with the nervous system, there’s no way to predict with 100% accuracy how different people (and nervous systems) will respond to each lesson. For example, some people may experience increased feelings of safety and presence from a lesson intended to support resource building and containment, and that same lesson may bring on high activation or shutdown for others.
This is why we will stress, over and over again, ‘GO AT YOUR OWN PACE!’
Discovering your own pace can be a rich healing and learning experience in and of itself! It’s a basic life skill that everyone needs to learn in order to work with their nervous system in a way that grows regulation and capacity with the least amount of potential overwhelm. Nervous system regulation work is a practice of getting to know your unique system and how to most skillfully support your system, and with time, we can become better at knowing when something is “too much,” “not enough,” or “just right.”
SmartBody SmartMind™ is, at its core, a self-study program. Irene and her team of trained, nervous system and trauma healing specialists will be there to answer questions, and there are many opportunities for live curated Q&A. Ultimately this process is about becoming your own medicine. How you pace yourself on that journey, and what you discover on the way, is ultimately your responsibility.
Finally, as mentioned above in another FAQ, some members find working privately with a skilled somatic practitioner to be complementary to the learning and practice of this in-depth online program. Please consider this, if you are concerned about your capacity to be with the sensations and emotions that may arise. If you are uncertain on what level of support you may need, we recommend you consult with appropriate healthcare providers.
Ultimately, it’s useful to be informed that part of the healing journey may include feeling things that have been difficult in the past to feel, and may still be difficult. We will give you education, tools, and support, as you learn to know and navigate your own unique system on the way to growing regulation and healing trauma.
19. Can SBSM help with early/developmental trauma?
Yes. This work works for ALL kinds of trauma.
With early/developmental trauma, one of the biggest things that gets challenged is our sense of safety in connection with others, the environment, and even ourselves. And often with this kind of trauma our authenticity is never supported, and so autonomy – the need to do it OUR way – can be very important.
Online learning like this is very well suited for this type of situation, because you get to engage with the material in your familiar home environment, at your own pace, when and how you want to. You can engage and be social with your fellow students in the private forum, or simply read what others have to say. This enables a safe, autonomous way to learn and heal which is very well suited for treating early/developmental trauma.
Irene wrote this article about online learning and healing that goes further into some of these points and during SBSM there have been specific Q&A Calls that cover early developmental trauma.
20. Can I do SBSM while on medications like antidepressants, benzos, SSRI’s, medications to support sleep, and others?
Since we are not doctors, psychiatrists, or medical professionals, we cannot advise you on whether or not to take medications. However, we can tell you what we have seen anecdotally with our clients.
Many of us on Team Lyon have worked with clients who were taking some form of psychoactive medication, with varying results. One thing that is common for most though, is that eventually they hit a ceiling with the somatic work, due to the suppressive effects of many of these medications.