7 – How can the impala come out of freeze so quick and with no shaking at all, when in other videos you see animals trembling for a very long time?oddjar2019-11-13T10:13:01-08:00
6 – What’s the difference between a pure/healthy response/expression vs. a distorted activation of f/f/f. Is it even useful to differentiate here?oddjar2019-11-13T10:04:34-08:00
5 – Can we fully regulate ourselves and heal when there is so much stress still in our living environments that are a result of responsibilities we can’t step away from?oddjar2019-11-05T11:52:43-08:00
4 – Is our Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) connected to our reptilian brain or is it that our SNS is our reptilian brain?oddjar2019-11-05T11:52:06-08:00