a 12 week nervous system rewire

Registration for the next round opens 2025.
Exact dates TBD.

Get on the waitlist

Registration for the next round opens in 2025.
Exact dates TBD.


SmartBody SmartMind™ is a 12-week online group program created by nervous system expert and somatic practitioner Irene Lyon, MSc. This revolutionary program runs twice a year and teaches you how to become your own medicine.

Its focus is to restore nervous system regulation through polyvagal-informed education, practical neurosensory exercises, and interactive support.

Break through anxiety, burnout, and chronic symptoms and live a more empowered life by healing at the root level: the nervous system.

Get On the Waitlist

SmartBody SmartMind™ is for you if you know at your core that you can heal, but you’ve tried so many different approaches that you are left wondering: is there something wrong with me?

Rest assured, there is nothing wrong with you!

The nervous system drives our entire well-being, and until we get these essential foundations in place, it’s hard for deep healing to take place and most importantly stick.

If you’ve been on a lifelong healing journey to find that missing link that can shift all aspects of your life, then this program is for you.

Here are some tell-tale signs that the nervous system, specifically the autonomic nervous system, is dysregulated (aka: out-of-whack):

Trouble focusing and having a mind that runs a million miles a minute.

Trouble expressing anger – either not at all, or way too much!

Difficulty setting clear boundaries and getting needs met, and/or staying in toxic relationships.

Trouble sleeping or staying asleep (or the opposite: needing A LOT of sleep but never feeling rested).

Feeling numbed out, dissociated, dis-embodied, and not connected to the present moment (aka: depersonalization, derealization).

Stubborn health issues such as chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, severe PMS, CFS, IBS.

Low confidence or self-worth that gets in the way of being authentic and courageous and moving forward in life (in small and big ways).

Feeling burned out, overwhelmed, or even completely exhausted, often with signs of adrenal fatigue.

Irrational fears, resistance, and procrastination.

Feelings of anxiety and/or depression that zap your energy.

How does SmartBody SmartMind™ work?

SmartBody SmartMind’s (SBSM) curriculum is released over the 12 weeks we are live in session. All educational video trainings, practical neurosensory exercises, training calls, curated Q&A calls, bonuses, and supplemental resources are housed on our SBSM program website that you have access to as a paid member.

Click to read program syllabus

SBSM Is All About Powerful Learning, Interaction, and Support!

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:

  • 10 Training Modules
  • Curated Q&A Calls
  • 30+ Neurosensory Exercises
  • 9 Training (lecture-style) Calls
  • Professional Support
  • Post-SBSM Program Integration

You’ll Also Receive Special Bonuses

up down workshops

$100 Off Future Up & Down Workshops

21 Day Nervous System Tune Up

Access to the 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up

movement lessons

Movement Lessons with Special Guest Teacher Elia Mrak

5-Part “pre-game” Video Series

5-Part “pre-game” Video Series

Original Healing Music

Original Healing Music

Lifetime Access as an Alumni

Lifetime Access as an Alumni*

giving you the freedom to go at your own pace & the flexibility to rejoin the live learning for as long as the program is offered in its current form.

What You Get When You Join

Click to read program syllabus

Your New Medicine is Waiting for You!

I believe in the importance of this work – not only at the individual level, but also because it can foster real transformation in the world – so much so that I decided to create this program, so that it could be more accessible to all.

This program has the potential to bring profound healing and change to your life.

I know this firsthand! In 1999, my healing journey began with some serious physical injuries that did not fully recover with conventional treatments. It was disheartening to realize that physical rehabilitation and exercise science, both of which I had studied extensively, weren’t helping my own body. So I had to dig deeper and look for more.

This led me to the world of neuroplastic healing, the mind-body connection, and the importance of healing trauma at the nervous system level. This led me to uncovering stored traumas that I didn’t even know I had, all while adding more professional training to my tool box.

It took me 20+ years to get to this point, and I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to take you that long because I’ve put in the time for you! I teach this work because I needed it, and I believe the world needs it. No one should go without true healing. We all deserve it.

I hear from SmartBody SmartMind™ participants over and over again that they wish they’d found this work sooner. As they work through the program, at their own pace, honouring their body and its needs, it became very clear to them that it was the one thing they’d been searching for their entire lives.

I don’t say this lightly – when people show up and do this work with consistency and care for their own personal limits, magic can happen.

This program is not only an educational and practical learning journey, it is a lifestyle change and new global community right at your fingertips.

It’s time. Join us.

Darla, Washington, USA

“The most tangible physical result of taking SmartBody SmartMind is that after years of new symptoms arising every 4-6 weeks taking this program stopped that downward spiral my body was on.

It has now been 15 weeks since my last new symptom occurred!”

Julie, Austria

“There has been a direct positive effect on my parenting of my 4-year-old and in my body awareness.

Allowing me to return to running (which is really important to me), in my capacity to handle the daily stresses, capacity to deal with background noise, and it is also increasing my empathy toward others, which indirectly helps decrease sources of anger.”

SmartBody SmartMind™ is about changing the way you live, and that change begins with these first twelve weeks.

12 Payments of $197 USD or 1 Payment of $1997 USD (save $367)

Registration for the next round opens in 2025. Exact dates TBD.

Get on the waitlist

PS – Got questions? Please email us via
[email protected]