
2. I had a curious experience with this exercise. Even though I was lying on a couch on top of a sheepskin, covered in blankets, and the front of me felt warm, my middle back area (adrenal/kidney area?) seemed to be ice cold. On both sides, as I sank into the exercise, I noticed a lot of jerky movement inside, which would then settle. When we moved to the left side, and I placed my hand on my pelvis, the heat felt intense. Again, there was an internal jerkiness, which eventually settled. I noticed my breathing, and the impulse to sit quietly after the exhale before taking the next inhale, which I followed. As I then inhaled, my eyes filled with tears and my chin quivered. At the same time, I felt a warm flow of something extend between my head and toes from that pelvic point. A sensation of the flow of life, maybe?

2. I had a curious experience with this exercise. Even though I was lying on a couch on top of a sheepskin, covered in blankets, and the front of me felt warm, my middle back area (adrenal/kidney area?) seemed to be ice cold. On both sides, as I sank into the exercise, I noticed a lot of jerky movement inside, which would then settle. When we moved to the left side, and I placed my hand on my pelvis, the heat felt intense. Again, there was an internal jerkiness, which eventually settled. I noticed my breathing, and the impulse to sit quietly after the exhale before taking the next inhale, which I followed. As I then inhaled, my eyes filled with tears and my chin quivered. At the same time, I felt a warm flow of something extend between my head and toes from that pelvic point. A sensation of the flow of life, maybe?2019-11-14T14:10:07-08:00

1. I have done the first two diaphragm exercises. I found both relaxing, and both expanding. I don’t feel like I fully feel or understand them though. It feels like learning a new math concept in which I am getting the right answer but I don’t quite know why or how I got it yet.

1. I have done the first two diaphragm exercises. I found both relaxing, and both expanding. I don’t feel like I fully feel or understand them though. It feels like learning a new math concept in which I am getting the right answer but I don’t quite know why or how I got it yet.2019-11-14T14:08:10-08:00
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