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3. As I do this exercise, the ‘non painful’ area starts to have some slight pain, almost like my body is shifting some of the pain to create more space where the pain was intense. Is this normal?Crystal McLeod2019-11-13T12:56:34-08:00
2. After feeling the ‘pleasant’ pain-free side, and then going back to where the pain was, it had either dissolved, or spread and diluted. Does this mean the pain is not real, but is unconscious stuff swirling around, unable to escape?Irene Lyon2019-11-13T12:52:58-08:00
1. My mind did NOT want to go to the discomfort, and it really struggled to get away from it as well. Should I do something differently?Irene Lyon2019-11-13T12:51:48-08:00
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