Totally normal. This is so common in our achievement-based culture, so even going at your own pace often means doing some significant re-wiring work. The benefits of honoring the needs of your own system cannot be overstated, so have a ‘talk’ with that part of yourself that is frustrated.

First, see if you can feel that worry or frustration in your body. If so, consider gently resting a hand there in the spirit of communication. If you can’t feel it in your body just let this be an internal dialogue. Express care for that part of yourself, let it know you hear it, and that the desire to ‘keep up’ is just one more thing that you are healing. Let yourself know that finding the pace that is right for you is the first, VERY important step in this work. 

Finally, understand at the cognitive level that this material isn’t going anywhere. You have it for life, and you can return each round we run live to ask questions of the support team. Also, there are many wise and helpful Alumni who have done many rounds and who also maybe supportive in the Peer-to-Peer and/or Alumni threads.