If, while doing a neurosensory exercise or watching one of the educational videos, you are feeling exhausted, spacey, can’t concentrate, disconnected, or numb; or, on the flip side – very agitated, angry, tense, or irritable, those are all indications that it could be time to take a break.
It’s okay, and normal, to have moments of all of these experiences as we are working with our system, but if these kinds of experiences persist longer than a few minutes, and don’t change no matter how you work with them, then that is generally a sign that we need to take a break from the work and go do something else for a while.
Also, on a bigger picture scale – if you have symptoms that flare after doing a piece of work that is also normal, but if they don’t subside after about 24 hours, that is often an indication that you have done too much, so that can serve as good information for doing your next piece of work. SO often with this work, less truly is more, because if we do more than we can integrate that can reinforce impressions in our body and psyche that this material is dangerous to work with.