Yes, indeed! It sounds like your system has been controlling pent up aggression for a long time, so it is probably quite good at that, and we are actually wanting to start letting go of that control, and allow that energy to flow into another kind of action that is still contained and safe, but not controlled in the same kind of way. It is controlling and suppressing this aggression that makes us sick in the first place, so this is about finding a way to start letting it out!
There is no need to jump into the annihilation work, just start with the pure, somatic approaches suggested in the article — wringing the towel, allowing the face to mobilize its aggressive affect, allowing sound to emerge, while staying connected to your body.
It’s fine to do this bit by bit, but we DO want to start building that bridge towards allowing the thwarted self-protected responses (which is what pent-up aggression IS) to move and be expressed.
It may be that you would benefit from the added safety and containment of exploring this work with a good Somatic Experiencing practitioner.