This section addresses the following questions:
- When we do this are we alternating between Voo and Ahh back and forth (Voo Ahh, Voo Ahh, Voo Ahh), or are we doing Vooooo and going into Ahhhhhh, and making the Ahh sound the rest of the breath opening, and closing the jaw?
- When doing the Voo-aaah again what do I do with the tightness in my jaw? Just allow it to be there, or do I try to change it while doing the exercise?
We want to start with the Vuuuuu, and then slowly move into the Ahhhh. Some people may be able to move straight to the Ahhhh without problem, and if that is the case, then go ahead and focus on sustaining that, and exploring how you can let the lips snarl and eyes narrow as part of the expression.
Many people have a lot of tightness in their jaw, and if this is the case then we want to titrate the opening, so we open our jaw only to the place where we feel resistance, and then we back off. Then back again to the point of resistance, and back off. Again. Like that. When we do this we may notice that we can open our mouth a little bit more each time without strain. The resulting sound will be like, “wwwaaaaaawwwww-wwwwaaaaaaawwwww-wwwwaaaaaaawwww.”